A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens
焗松露蕃茄大蘑菇Stuffed Portobello mushroom with truffle and tomatoes
大蘑菇,燒烤菇大家不會陌生,厚肉又juicy...確實烤焗之選。有關釀焗大蘑菇食譜很多。基本上加自己喜歡的食材就可以了。最重要是選用一些不會太出水的食材。加入一些nuts, 例如松子,杏仁片及原味合桃。有估不到的夾。
所有菇類的特性都一樣,充滿營養。零脂肪,低卡路里。大蘑菇含豐富copper 和selenium, 能代謝鐵,助結締組織形成,產生能量和抗氧化物。而且提升免疫系統及抗炎。此外,vit B6也幫助抗發炎和代謝食物,轉化成人體所需的微量原素,胺基酸等。有營養又美味的食材,配以簡單的做法。不就是三幾位朋友相聚的小食嗎,Enjoy!
右上: 在蘑菇上灑少許鹽,橄欖油,把蕃茄,一湯匙黑松露醬放上。
左下:放parmesan cheese。
右下: 入預熱焗爐,180度20分鐘,取出,放上合桃,再灑上橄欖油。
UL: rinse the mushroom shortly and dry immediately, peel off tomatoes and cut it into small cubes, fry a while with olive oil, season with Thyme, salt, sugar and pepper.
UR: Drizzle a bit olive oil on the mushrooms, place on tomatoes and truffle paste then
LL: sprinkle with parmesan cheese
LR: preheat oven to 180 Degree Celsius, bake for 20mins, drizzle extra olive oil after putting walnut.
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