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烤紅燈籠椒醬 Roasted bell pepper sauce with pistachio
醬汁是西餐的靈魂,尤其意大利麵。當煮意粉時,往往就方便到超市選購一樽二樽的意粉醬,有紅,有白有綠。類別大多是綠色的pesto,主要材料有Basil, parsley, olive oil, pine nut and cheese等。白色不外乎用cream, cheese做 base,當中加入蘑菇,薯仔,雞肉。。那紅醬,以蕃茄為首,稱為tomato sauce, 配上不同種類的香草,甚至加入肉醬成為Bolognese....
我很喜歡另一款醬,以烘過的燈籠椒再加點蕃茄煮成的素食醬汁。烘過的燈籠椒味道很香,很豐富,有陣陣焦香。可是一樽樽roasted pepper價錢一般很貴。。當然對奄尖的人來說,貴同時不新鮮。加入色素,防腐,糖鹽份量頗高。費少少心機,做一樽屬於自己的醬汁,當中成份的多少,味道的變化完完全全跟自己口味呢!除了做意粉醬,配小食外,pizza,也很適合焗雞焗魚。。
材料: 中size紅色燈籠椒7隻(選些新鮮實正的),Italian sun dried tomatos 5片,蒜頭1-2球或獨子蒜4-5粒,乾蔥頭 5粒,無鹽開心果2湯匙(先用白鑊細火烘乾),紅辣椒 2隻,extra virgin olive oil 約大半碗,鹽,糖少許,乾oregano 香草1.5湯匙,大size檸檬汁 1個
For 2 bottles of 200ml
Ingredients: medium size red bell pepper 7pc, Italian sun dried tomato 5pc, 1-2 bulb of garlic, shallots 4-5 cloves, unsalted pistachio 2 table spoon(toast in a hot pan), extra virgin olive oil nearly 1 bowl, plenty of salt and sugar, dry oregano herbs 1.5 tablespoon, 1 big lemon juice
Preheat oven at 250 Degree Celsius, wash and half the peppers without seeds except the red chili-> then garlic and shallots with skin on-> sprinkle cooking oil on those vegi-> place oven rack at the top side-> roast for around 12mins or until the skin are blackened
●小心過份燒焦,留意 (watch out for over cook)
焗爐取出後->把peppers 和chili放入密實袋,讓袋內產生蒸氣,皮就容易分離撕走
Remove from the oven and put peppers into a zip bag, this makes them sweet and the skin slip off more easily
Around 10mins later, peel off pepper skin by fingers (squeeze out sauce of the peel from the zip bag)-> remove chili skin( discard seed for less spicy)-> again on the shallots and garlic
如果用較大攪拌機,可把所有材料包括已烘過的開心果及調味,香草一起打至幼滑。像這較細的blender則需平均分幾次打,每次落一湯匙olive oil->之後混合一起
Blend all ingredients including seasoning , herbs and toasted pistachios in a food processor, whizz until smooth. Otherwise, blend those in batches with 1 tablespoon olive oil each time if using small blender-> mix well then
攪勻,加多1-1.5湯匙olive oil-> 試味->逐少加入檸檬汁
Mix well, add extra 1-1.5 tablespoon of olive oil-> taste then add lemon juice
Keep the sauce into a glass bottle which already boiled. Serve immediately with pasta or as a dip. It can be kept in the fridge up to 1 week. So good! Yummy yummy with cucumber.
Wow! 味道很豐富,跟現成醬汁是兩碼子的事。。有些獨子蒜在烤的時候爆得很勁。哈哈!不論烤過的pepper, 蒜頭和乾蔥頭,有糖化的效果。Gorgeous!
1. 份量没有一定,喜歡酸一點可多加sun dried tomato。不喜歡辣,辣椒可去核或不用。
2. 很多外國食譜會加入parmesan cheese。
3. 2湯匙開心果已經很濃,想成為點醬做小食,開心果份量可略加,醬汁會杰身一些。
4. 除開心果外,榛子, 合桃或松子也不錯。
5. 不用oregano herbs, Italian seasoning也很夾。
1. Adjust the amount of the ingredients according to your own. Deseed or remove chili from the ingredient list for children.
2. Adding parmesan cheese if you like.
3. For dipping sauce, increase amount of pistachios.
4. Hazelnut,walnuts or pine nuts are good as well.
5. Replace oregano herbs to Italian seasoning.
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