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慢煮港式咖哩牛肋條 Slow cook Curry beef rib finger in HK style
HK style咖哩是什麼?抓頭...我認為香,有很多辣油,多咖哩汁,香料味卻不夠...總之吃過茶餐廳或canteen就清楚。一試就知香港咖哩了。從來買咖哩粉都經印度人同事入貨。。好味與否,她們佷清楚。剛在荃灣悦和醬油發現新野,眼睛即時發光,再放近鼻....不得了,那麽香的香港製造印度咖哩粉。當中成份有香料,八角。亦很熟悉這味道..就是港式咖哩味。。
還是很大鄉里。。post在facebook後,得到的迴響是歷史很久啦, 老字號,很多地方有售啦。哈哈!是嗎?!
港式咖哩牛肋條是用焗爐慢煮的食譜。方便,不用睇火, 肉腍,不需用太多水炆而保持原汁原味。有人問,焗爐都可以炆餸?嚴格來説是燉。
材料: 牛肋條(切大粒出水), 薯仔, 洋蔥1個切碎, 香葉, 同德興咖哩粉 2包(2湯匙), 椰漿少許, 紹興酒和鹽少許
Ingredients: beef rib finger( dice and blanch), potatos (half), bay leaf, onion, coursely chop, curry powder 2 tablespoon, coconut milk , a bit Chinese wine, salt and sugar
落油, 爆香香葉洋蔥和咖哩粉至有香味-> 加入牛肋條煎香兩邊-> 灑少許紹興酒, 鹽和糖-> 加一碗半水
Heat oil, saute onion, bay leaf and curry powder until fragrant-> bring the beef rib finger into the iron pot and fry-> sprinkle with plenty of Chinese wine, salt and sugar
預熱焗爐180度-> 放入煲仔> 把温度調較至80度焗3小時。在2小時後, 把薯仔放入煲內
Preheat oven to 180 degrees celcious-> bring the iron pot into the oven-> adjust temperature to 80 degrees celcious, bake for 3 hours. Put potatoes together after 2hours baking
取出, 中火煮數分鐘, 加入椰漿, 少許鹽調味..送飯正。。但咖哩不辣和香料不足夠。
Take out from the oven, turn medium heat to futher cooking for a few mins. Add a bit coconut mike and season with plenty of salt then. Curry with rice is perfect match. However, the curry beef is not spicy and aromatic enough after cooked.
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