回鍋肉上海版用上甜麵醬和豆瓣醬, 每一片菜和肉都掛上汁。在銅鑼彎時代廣場後面, 有間家庭式上海菜小店。食物煮得很好。特別要讚那個酸辣湯。非常足料。回鍋肉是必食菜, 跟銀絲卷一起吃..超正。老闆説他們不是用五花腩。用比較肥的玻璃肉, 但肥肉部分較爽脆。試了也喜歡...
材料: 玻璃肉切片, 椰菜半個, 紅黄燈籠椒各一(切角), 豆腐干4片 (切片), 薑片 4片, 乾蔥頭5粒(拍扁), 老抽生抽各1茶匙, 少許粟粉
醬汁: 甜醬 1.5湯匙, 辣豆瓣醬 1-1.5湯匙(少辣版), 半碗水
Ingredients: pork belly, half cabbage, red and yellow bell pepper, 1each (cut into wedges), 4 pcs of dried bean curd (sliced), 4 slices of fresh ginger, 5 cloves of shallots (pressed), 1 tsp light soy sauce,1tsp dark soy sauce, corn starch
Sauce: 1.5 tbsp sweetened sauce, 1 tbsp chili bean sauce ( Toban djan), 1/2bowl water
洗淨豬肉, 用酒, 鹽和大塊薑煲 30-45分鐘,冲凍水,印乾,切片備用
Blanch the pork belly with a bit of Chinese cooking wine, salt and a chunk of ginger. Boil for 30-45 mins. Then rinse the pork under running water. Dry and slice, set aside
落油爆香乾蔥頭, 薑片和豬肉,印走多餘豬油
Heat oil, add shallots, ginger slices and pork belly slices. Remove excess oil with kitchen paper
加入豆腐干, 細火, 炒至金黃和柔軟,落少許鹽
Then fry the dried bean curd until soft and browned over low heat, season with salt
Drizzle with 1 bottle -cap of Chinese cooking wine
Then add cabbage and bell pepper, stir fry
Mix sauce with warm water
倒入醬汁, 同時加老抽提色及生抽
Pour sauce into the pan, then add dark soya sauce to enhance coloring, and light soy sauce at last
攪勻, 準備1茶匙粟粉加水打薄芡,熄火,再加半茶匙辣豆瓣醬便完成了
Continue stir fry, add corn starch water to thicken the sauce lightly. Off heat, add extra 1/2 tsp Toban sauce at last
小辣版的上海回鍋肉, 跟小店吃的很相似,而且不油膩。配飯一流。若跟饅頭, 刈包一起吃, 醬汁可煮多一㸃呢! 玻璃肉很不錯, 沒有五層肉之間的肥...很適合作小炒的菜式。
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