A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens
薑蔥腐乳蠔煲 Oysters with ginger and scallion in fermented bean curd sauce
用腐乳入菜, 味道很香。基本上不用添加額外調味已足夠。煮齋多用藍乳,味較濃。用腐乳卻清淡, 是另分一種味道。腐乳的選購很重要, 要鹹香有豆味和呈一絲絲綿綿的便是佳品。只有鹹而實的不好吃。詳情可重温—> 腐乳醬拌青瓜。
美國筒蠔 1筒 (先過滾水1分鐘再用紙印乾) 或其他蠔
薑片 8片或更多
蔥 大量 (分開蔥白和青蔥部分)
腐乳 2磚
糖 2茶匙
鹽 適量
紫天椒 1隻 (不喜辣可減)
生粉 少量
落油, 炒香薑片,蔥白及紫天椒, 加少少鹽
加入2磚腐乳, 搓爛, 攪勻, 加糖
保持中大火, 放入蠔及剩餘青蒽。灑少許鹽, 即刻用少許生粉埋芡。最後, 灑一瓶蓋紹興酒, 立即蓋上, 開大火煮1-1.5分鐘, 焗住幾分鐘
上枱, 加幾滴麻油。很簡易呢! 腐乳多少隨個人喜歡但糖相對要略加一㸃。蠔本身出水, 不用添加水份或用水先開腐乳漿。此食譜配鮮鮑魚也好美味!
US oysters (blanch for 1 min, then dry with Kitchen paper) or others oysters
8 pcs ginger slice or more
A bunch of scallion (separate white and green part)
2 cubes fermented bean curd
A bit salt
2 tsp sugar
1 chili
A bottle cap of Chinese rice wine
A bit sesame oil
Corn starch
1. Prepare a small dutch oven.
2. Preheat, add oil, stir fry ginger pieces and the white part of scallion until aromatic . Season with a bit salt.
3. Add 2 cubes of fermented bean curd, then, add sugar. Fry and mix well.
4. Keep medium heat, put oysters and the remaining scallion together. Season with a bit salt. Then add starch water to thicken the sauce. At last, drizzle with wine, cover immediately. Cook further 1 min over high heat. Off heat, keep oysters in the pot for a few mins more before serving.
5. When serve, add a bit of sesame oil.
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