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Kimchi雞肉煎餅 Kimchi and chicken pancake
這食譜是用->Kimchi芝士雞肉釀雞翼剩下的餡料製作而成。不論韓式,中式,日式煎餅粉大多加麵粉,發粉或糯米粉粘米粉此類澱粉作黏合。再另加鹽,蛋,蝦,蝦米菜甫,葱等增加味道和口感。食譜中有Kimchi, 芝士, 本身已經夠惹味了。
雞肉(雞搥肉) 小半碗
Kimchi 2湯匙
Mozzarella cheese 2湯匙
蛋 1隻
低筋粉 1湯匙
木薯粉 1湯匙
水 約半碗
油 1茶匙
1. Kimchi和雞肉分別打爛,加入芝士, 油,蛋,麵粉和白胡椒粉。(如果用以上Kimchi雞肉芝士釀雞翼剩下的餡料,那只需由加,油蛋,麵粉開始了)
2. 逐少加入凍滾水,攪勻,用匙羹勺起,向下慢慢滴出便停了。
3. 預熱鐵pan, 落油,注入一勺煎餅漿。待一面凝固及金黄,反轉,繼續煎另一面。期間灑少許鹽調味。
4. 軟軟糯糯,配一些青瓜絲,酸蘿蔔絲和韓式辣椒醬,已很滿足了
Ingredients (2 pieces ) :
1/2 bowl meat of chicken drumsticks
2 tbsp Kimchi
2 tbsp Mozzarella cheese
1 egg
1 tbsp plain flour
1 tbsp tapioca flour
Around 1/2 bowl tepid water
1 tsp oil
A pinch of salt and ground white pepper
Method :
1. Mince the chicken meat, then Kimchi in a food processor. Mix them together with Mozzarella cheese, flour, white pepper, oil and egg.
2. Gradually add in water until it is mildly running after pick up by a spoon.
3. Preheat an iron skillet, heat oil, pour a scoop of batter into the pan. When set and brown, flip to continue until golden brown. Season with a bit salt.
4. Serve hot with cucumber strips, pickled raddish and Korean chili paste. Enjoy!
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