A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


煎大地魚豬肉餅飯配蒜香甜豉油 Pan fried pork patty with dried flounder and garlicky sweet soya sauce

把大地魚作調味加入食材能給予無比的美味。蒸豬肉餅也好, 煎也好絶對是每個家庭必選的菜式。能令家人感覺新鮮。。可在配料和調味上作一㸃改變。土魷冬菇蒸, 馬蹄蒸, 咸蛋雞蛋蒸, 臘腸冬菇煎, 馬蹄冬菇煎...咸魚煎...甚至煎咖哩肉餅...那麼加入大地魚的豬肉餅你試過嗎? 很好很好很好吃的。特別大大件厚煎。咸香中帶鮮..內裡很juicy。 吃過了, 味道仍在腦海裡...想再食呀!

如果不懂處理大地魚可按入大地魚處理。先準備大地魚, 烘香烘脆後磨幼。
Prepare a pc of dried flounder, bake and crush to reserve. For details, please click Preparation of dried flounder.

A. 豬肉餅製做
     Pork patty

材料: 梅頭豬肉少肥(剁碎並撻), 1條大地魚磨幼, 少許生抽, 紹興酒, 白胡椒粉, 糖, 粟粉, 鹽(臨煎前1小時先落), 油

做法: 豬肉加入調味後略撻, 之後加入大地魚粉和油攪拌, 放入雪櫃半天或最少2小時。臨煎前1小時落鹽

Ingredients: minced pork (pork collar-butt with little bit fat), 1pc of dried flounder powder, Chinese wine, ground white pepper, sugar, corn starch, salt ( add into the pork mixture 1 hour before fry), cooking oil

Method: mince the pork, then pour seasoning. Pound the pork paste for a few times for smooth and springy bite. Add dried flounder powder, mix well and place in the fridge for half day or at least 2 hours. Add some sea salt into the mixture 1 hour before fry.

把豬肉放至室溫最少15分鐘。熱pan熱油, 把豬肉球放入pan中, 保持細火
Bring the minced pork to room temperature for 15mins or more. Heat a pan with oil, place meat ball into the hot pan. Keep low heat.

反轉另一面, 細力按扁至約1吋厚, 灑上少許鹽和白胡椒粉
Flip to the other side, press the pork patty until 1 inch thick. Sprinkle with some salt and ground white pepper

在另一面也灑上調味, 煎熟印油備用。
Repeat the other side until done. Remove excess oil and reserve

B. 蒜香甜豉油
     Sweet soya sauce with garlic

材料: 葱, 蒜蓉1湯匙, 老抽一湯匙, 生抽半湯匙, 冰糖一粒, 少許麻油, 水半碗
Ingredients: spring onion, 1 table spoon of garlic paste, 1 tablespoon of dark soya sauce, half tablespoon of light soya sauce, 1 dice of rock sugar, sesame oil, half bowl of water

細火煮溶冰糖, 試味後再調節味道
Bring the sauce to boil and until rock sugar melted. Taste and add extra seasoning to balance the sweetness.

放上碟, 淋上蒜香甜豉油。。真好吃!
Serve with garlicky sweet soya sauce...Gorgeous!

If making small patties, it should be around half inch in thickness.




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