蜜汁叉燒有誰不愛呢? 如果你要焦燶的叉燒。可以在後期放進烤爐。食譜做法原於呀婆那代,叉燒是用煲仔煮出來的,不上火燒, 没有焗爐,煮出蜜味多汁的叉燒。煮叉燒十分風味, 肉質保持濕潤, 蜜汁味濃, 人人都做到。
1. 肉要靚, 要帶一點肥。新鮮肉可選半肥瘦梅頭。不易因過老而變“鞋”。約1.5 吋厚為佳。急凍肉選吃橡果的西班牙黑毛豬梅頭。更見腍和鬆,亦比較多油香。每次都成功。
2. 優質純厚的麥芽膏, 我選用台灣古法麥芽膏。
3. 優質的野生茘枝蜜(蓮花谷出産的非常靚)。較為清甜。靚的玫瑰花味帶茘枝香, 跟荔枝蜜好夾。
玫瑰花茶 6朵
冰糖 一小粒
麥芽膏 1湯匙
荔枝蜜 1湯匙
叉燒醬 1湯匙
香葉 3片
八角 2粒
玫瑰花茶 3朵(保加利亞粉紅玫瑰)
叉燒醬 2湯匙
甜醬 1湯匙(荃灣悦和甜醬)
玫瑰露酒 3瓶蓋或3茶匙
五香粉 少許
白胡椒粉 約2茶匙
Fresh pork butt with fat or Frozen Iberico pork butt
6 rose bud
1 tbsp Char Siu sauce
1dice of rock sugar
1 tbsp maltose
1 tbsp Litchi honey
3 pcs bay leaf
2 pcs Star anise
3 buds of Rose tea
2 tbsp Char siu sauce
1 tbsp sweetened sauce
3 bottle caps or 3 tsp of Chinese wine
a bit of five spices
2 tsp ground white pepper
A: 處理豬肉 (Preparation of the pork)
洗浄印乾, 包住紙用拳頭輕輕搥打,左右向中間推(由扁平變反厚).重覆一次,有鬆弛塊肉效果, 用筷子插入筋鍵位免過份收縮。只適用於新鮮肉
Rinse and pat dry the pork butt, gently fist the pork and pull both side towards the mid part to loose the pork. Repeat once, prick the tendon with a chopstick to prevent over contraction
B: 醃漬 (Marinate the pork)
Add marinades into the pork with 3 rose bud petals, refrigerate for half day
C: 煮叉燒 (cooking of char siu)
Place char siu to room temperature, remove all sauce which sticking on it. Add oil, fry the pork until brown for 2 to 3 mins over medium heat
玫瑰花茶加大半碗滾水浸包, 連醃料,一湯匙叉燒醬,一粒冰糖。一同加入煲內, 蓋上蓋, 最細火煮20分鐘
Steep rose buds tea in 1/2 bowl of hot water for 10 mins, Then, add tea into the pot with the brine,1tbsp Char Siu sauce and rock sugar. Cover and simmer for 20 mins
期間要反轉並試味。若太鹹,再加多少許冰糖。蓋回, 細火煮多10分鐘。期間要再反轉
Flip the pork. Adjust sugar after taste. Cover and continue to cook for further 10 mins over low heat, flip one more time
10 mins later, check if the pork is tender by pricking a chopstick. At the same time, reduced the sauce to 1 bowl. Then, cook further 5 mins over medium heat with cover.
打開蓋, 校回細火. 落一湯匙麥芽, 攪拌至溶解, 不停把麥芽汁淋上叉燒面。熄火, 繼續把汁淋上, 使叉燒被汁包住
Open the cover, set low heat, add 1 tbsp of maltose in. Stir the sauce constantly until it has melted. Then, pour the sauce on the pork. Off heat, continue pouring sauce until the sauce is being coated by the Char Siu
讓温度稍下降, 加入茘枝蜜便完成了。如果不即時吃, 荔枝蜜可在臨上碟前, 翻熱叉燒後先落
Add 1 tbsp of litchi honey when the tempeature is slightly decreased. Then, mix well. If it is not serving immediately, honey should be added later
很不錯啊!肉較為爽也不過火。在煮的過程, 渗出淡淡玫瑰香氣,茘枝蜜汁很濃, 氣味混和。
1. 沒有陶瓷煲, 用任何較為厚身能鎖水的煲也可。如鑄鐵煲。
2. 不同種類的煲, 水份可要加多一㸃。水多不緊要可收汁但水少會燶底。
3. 如果想入焗爐烤, 在後期加入麥芽後。高溫230度烤數分鐘。
1. Just cook the char siu with any kind of cookware.
2. Adjust water amount (rose tea) for other cookware, and add extra water if necessary.
3. For grilling the char siu, simply put it into the broiler at 230 degrees Celsius for a few mins after mixing with Maltose at last step.
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