A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


青瓜冷麵 Cucumber noodle (cold dish)

最簡單不過的食材, 卻在炎熱天氣給你透心涼。對於瘦身人士更是0脂肪, 低糖低卡路里的一餐了。在宴客的時候, 不防放入杯仔..好像自助餐的日式頭盆呢!

選擇青瓜也有注意事項。要把青瓜當麵煮, 必須選購長身的。另中國青瓜(在街市見到深色皮, 較短的), 相對較青甜但不及長身有釘那款脆口。青瓜麵本身味道不夠就像蕎麥麵一樣, 很需要底味。那麼醒神的醬汁很適合, 像今次我配的是日式調味, 也可加上魚生。不喜歡還可用芝麻醬, 四川或雲南的麻辣...甚至乎用extra vigin olive oil 加 balsamic vinegar西式食法也不錯呀!

材料: 青瓜2條(去皮, 切長像筷子粗幼), 菇, 薑絲(幼), 蔥絲, 冰水
調味汁: 味醂 1湯匙, 麻油 1湯匙, 日本柚子醬油2湯匙, 黄糖少許

1. 煲滾水, 落鹽, 煮菇後放入冰水。
2. 把青瓜條放入滾水, 煮至軟身(不多於5分鐘), 取出放入冰水。
3. 薑絲, 蔥絲用少許熱油略爆。
4. 混合調味醬汁, 加減份量至喜歡的味道。
5. 青瓜, 鲜菇隔走冰水。放上碟中, 加上鮮菇, 薑絲和蔥絲,拌入醬汁。

Ingredients: 2 pc of cucumbers (peel and cut into a chopstick size), fresh mushrooms, ginger slices (very thin), spring onion(slice) and ice water

Sauce: 1 tablespoon mirin, 1 table spoon sesame oil, 2 tablespoon Japanese Ponzu dressing and plenty of brown sugar

1. Blanch fresh mushrooms, drain and leave in ice water.
2. Cook cucumber slices for a few minutes with little bit salt or until just soft. Leave them into ice water immediately.
3. Heat oil, saute ginger and spring onion slices.
4. Mix all sauce ingredients or mix according to own flavor.
5. Drain off cucumber and mushroom. Serve with ginger and spring onion slices. Pour sauce on cucumber noodle.


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