秋涼了又可以煮一些焗飯。很喜歡吃焗飯做早餐, 很暖和呢!尤其以電飯煲焗飯,非常方便快捷。很適合要準備便當給小朋友返學吃的媽媽。
這焗飯是素食但當中的營養也不少。食材中選用雲南野生黒牛肝菌和黄牛肝菌。黑牛肝菌氣味濃郁, 比黄牛肝菌更强更厚身。就是上圖黑色那片。
牛肝菌以意大利和雲南較多出產。兩者要比較, 我覺得意大利的更香。在會展food expo的雲南野生菌展覽區購買了一些。雲南採菌的人員告訴我。黃牛肝有野生有培植。但黑牛肝菌一定是野生。
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左: 黑牛肝菌; 右: 黄牛肝菌 |
食用方法: 水泡兩小時, 根部最好剪去。倒走水並榨乾。也可炒食, 如加入瘦肉, 雞肉等。甚至煮湯, 香氣迫人。
材料: 雜牛肝菌(半碗), 日本本菇(2包), 白松露油(3湯匙), 牛油(少許), 鹽, 油各適量, 薑米(2湯匙)
Ingredients: mixed porcini including black and yellow (half bowl), Japanese mushrooms (2packs), white truffle oil (3 tablespoon), butter ( a small knob), a little bit salt and cooking oil, ginger (dice into small cubes)
材料: 雜牛肝菌(半碗), 日本本菇(2包), 白松露油(3湯匙), 牛油(少許), 鹽, 油各適量, 薑米(2湯匙)
Ingredients: mixed porcini including black and yellow (half bowl), Japanese mushrooms (2packs), white truffle oil (3 tablespoon), butter ( a small knob), a little bit salt and cooking oil, ginger (dice into small cubes)
洗淨, 用半碗水浸泡牛肝菌最少10分鐘。浸過的水備用(注意碗底有沙部分棄掉)
Rinse then soak the dried porcini in water for at least 10 mins. Keep the soaking water (throw away the bottom one with residual sand and mud)
左上: 米洗浄, 把浸菌水注入
右上: 同時, 熱油略炒薑米, 牛肝菌和鮮菇, 加入鹽和松露油, 炒至菇軟身可熄火
左下: 把炒過的菇菌精華一同注入飯煲內。水份總和要比平時煲飯略少一㸃㸃, 按製煲飯
右下: 開火, 略收乾牛肝菌和菇。熄火, 加入一小粒牛油攪勻
Upper left: wash rice, bring the soaking water from the porcini into the rice cooker
Upper right: at the same time, heat oil and fry the ginger, mushroom and porcini then. Add some salt and white truffle oil. Off heat
Lower left: scoop the mushroom sauce from the pan into the rice. Total amount of water in the cooker is less than usual
Lower right: continue to fry the mushroom until a bit dry, off heat, add a small knob of mutter to mix
飯滾起後開始收水, 把所有菇菌放上飯面, 繼續煲飯至完成後十分鐘才打開
Bring all mushroom onto the rice only when there is no more bubbling in the cooker. Open rice cooker 10 mins after finished cooking
混合後加多一㸃鹽, 一㸃松露油
Mix well, add somemore salt and white truffle oil
在煲的過程, 菇菌的香氣十足。確實, 黑牛肝菌比黄牛肝菌肉質結實, 有嚼口。愈食愈想吃的一種焗飯。
如果炒過菇菌的汁太多。可先收乾一㸃才加入飯煲內。在飯煲內的水分要比平時少。因菇仍會出水。相反, 不夠菇水煲飯可添加一些清水。
If there is much mushroom sauce, skim before adding into the rice cooker. In contrast, add somemore tepid water into the cooker to cook.
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