聽其名已知當中的成份及能感受到的香氣。薑科類是每個家庭常備的食材。數數手指,用齊了嗎? 他們有鮮薑,黃薑(又分春, 秋, 紫薑黄), 沙薑,子薑,南薑,竹薑等。所有都是根部, 在泥土中生長。能發熱,助血液循環, 消炎止痛,提升免疫功能及袪濕抗寒。每一種薑有其獨特氣味及功效。很有治療作用。
A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens
Showing posts with label rice cooker recipe電飯煲食譜. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rice cooker recipe電飯煲食譜. Show all posts
電飯煲青檸蜂蜜蛋糕 Lime and honey ricecooker cake
Posted by Rita Shum
Dessert甜品, rice cooker recipe電飯煲食譜, Vegan素食, Vegetarian food素食
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電飯煲焗朱古力杏仁蛋糕(無牛油麵粉版) Flourless chocolate and almond rice cooker cake
朱古力加raspberries即刻變得好聖誕。電飯煲焗蛋糕比焗爐焗確有不足。但好處是不用睇火, 又能保存水份。食譜不加麵粉, 牛油, 還選用72% 黑朱古力和台灣黑糖。配蜂蜜和raspberries一起吃。一㸃也不邪惡!
電飯煲綠茶紅豆雞蛋糕 Green tea and red bean paste rice cooker cake
很肥很飽滿的蛋糕, 整體質感很好, 企身亦鬆軟。唯一不足是紅豆蓉要多放一㸃呢!
1. 昭和香格里拉低筋粉 或其他如日清低筋粉 140g
2. 黄糖 80g (少甜版)
3. 雞蛋 9隻 (蛋白蛋黄分開)
4. Baking powder 1茶匙
5. 食油 1湯匙
6. 綠茶粉 4湯匙
7. 紅豆蓉 4-6湯匙 (北海道罐裝紅豆蓉)
1. 紅豆蓉先放入煲底
2. 綠茶粉, 麵粉加baking powder分別篩1-2次
3. 蛋白打至企身
4. 蛋黄加糖, 油, 一半綠茶粉打至鬆起3倍
5. Baking powder, 低筋粉及剩下綠茶粉混合, 把一半份量逐少加入蛋糊中, 輕力攪拌。
6. 先加入一半蛋白
7. 分幾次加下餘下麵粉和綠茶粉
8. 再分幾次加入餘下蛋白
9. 輕力攪拌並倒入飯煲中
10. 放入飯煲按“正常煮飯模式”, 程式完結, 打開檢查
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表面乾了但用牙簽插入仍有少許麵糊黏著 |
12. 完成了, 取出飯煲內胆, 讓蛋糕水份散去及周邊收縮。約10-15分鐘
13. 反轉放上碟, 再加些綠茶粉和紅豆蓉, 熱食凍食均可。
1. 140 g plain flour, like Nissin plain flour
2. 50g brown sugar (low sugar)
3. 9 eggs (separated)
4. 1 teaspoon baking powder
5. 1 tablespoon cooking oil
6. 4 tablespoon green tea powder
7. 4 tablespoon red bean paste ( Hokkaido can red bean paste)
1. Put some red bean paste into the inner bowl of the rice cooker.
2. Sieve green tea powder and other dry ingredients separately.
3. Whisk the egg whites with an electric hand mixer until soft peaks form.
4. Beat egg yolks with sugar, oil, 2 tablespoon green tea powder by an electric hand mixer until light and fluffy.
5. Mix another 2 spoonful green tea powder with flour. Add 1/2 dry ingredients into the egg mixture, gently fold in.
6. Then 1/2 egg white in.
7. Add the remaining flour in 3 batches.
8. Finally, fold the remaining half egg whites into the batter in batches.
9. Pour the batter into the inner bowl of cooker
10. Press “cook rice or plain rice mode” until finished, open the lid and check the doneness by a toothpick that comes out clean.
11. Continue with a “quick mode” cycle but off at the mid or off according to the doneness of the cake.
12. When finished. Take out the inner bowl from cooker, and allow to cool for 10 to 15 mins before removing.
13. Invert the bowl on a plate.
14. Garnish with some more green tea powder and serve with extra red bean paste.
15. Serve warm or cold.
電飯煲焗黒糖紅棗雞蛋糕 Brown sugar and red date puree rice cooker cake
Posted by Rita Shum
cooking, Dessert甜品, rice cooker recipe電飯煲食譜, Vegetarian food素食
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記得廣告那句“電飯煲焗蛋糕”嗎? 家中IH飯煲沒有這功能。在掌握火喉方面原來也不容易。一連做了幾款, 包括蘋果香焦蛋糕和香焦杏片蛋糕。雖然味道很不錯, 像傳統蒸布丁(steamed pudding), 又像細個食的蒸雞蛋糕。郤欠缺了少少, 整體偏濕。把制式由正常煮飯改為快速煮飯, 相對温度提升, 效果很滿意。還在煲底加了黑糖和杏仁片, 做成焦糖脆杏片。好好吃! 下次除了蒸蛋糕外, 用電飯煲也是不錯選擇呢!
牛肝菌鮮菇電飯煲焗飯 Mixed porcini and mushroom rice by rice cooker
Posted by Rita Shum
cooking, Natural Healing食療, rice cooker recipe電飯煲食譜, rice飯類, Vegetarian food素食
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星加坡海南雞飯 Singapore Hainanese chicken rice
Posted by Rita Shum
chicken雞類, cooking, rice cooker recipe電飯煲食譜, rice飯類, Singaporean food星加坡食譜
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