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香煎豬鞍意粉配BBQ蕃茄醬 Pan fried pork rack spaghetti with BBQ and tomato sauce

醬汁, 是一道西餐的靈魂。若有時間心思, 慢慢煮海鲜製作高湯當然理想。對不太懂烹飪的朋友來説, 又要快靚正, 可選擇現成醬汁。特別把它稍作加工, 做成獨特的味道, 又成為一頓美食了! 豬鞍靚已是成功的一半, BBQ sauce有很多不同牌子, 試了幾款, 特別喜歡用Hunt’s。 酸甜度適中, 跟烤肋骨一起吃, 一流。這樣方便又好味的意粉菜式, 家人10分鐘不夠已吃完了!

加拿大豬鞍, 特別近梅頭位置, 肉質鬆化, 充滿油香。不擔心過老的問題。解凍後洗淨印乾。

1.加拿大豬鞍 跟骨位切開3件(用白胡椒粉, 鹽略醃)
2. 意粉 1包(先煮, 隔水混合橄欖油)

1. Hunt’s BBQ 醬 3湯匙
2. 茄汁 1.5湯匙
3. 蒜片 15片
4. 乾辣椒 1-2隻
5. Extra vigin olive oil 3湯匙
6. 糖 1茶匙
7. 暖水 3湯匙

1. Canadian pork rack, cut into 3 chops (marinade with ground white pepper and sea salt)
2. Spaghetti 1 pack (boil and drain, mix with olive oil and reserve)

1.  3 tablespoon  Hunt’s BBQ sauce
2. 1.5 tablespoon ketchup
3. 4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
4. 1-2 pc of dried chili 
5. 3 tablespoon extra vigin olive oil
6. 1 teaspoon sugar
7. 3 tablespoon tepid water

1. 豬扒近骨位切一刀可令骨位熟透(不要切斷或分開肉和骨), 煎熟, 灑些鹽, 取出備用。
2. 意粉和蔬菜煲完隔水並分別混合olive oil。
3. 準備醬汁: BBQ醬,水,茄汁和糖混合後試味, 若太酸, 糖略加一點。
4. 熱pan倒入3湯匙olive oil, 較最細火, 爆香蒜片和乾辣椒。
5. 保持細火, 倒入已準備之醬汁, 略煮1分鐘。
6. 意粉豬鞍上碟, 淋上酱汁, 灑少許黑胡椒。

1. Slice the bone area superficially but do not cut out the bone. Pan fry the pork chops then, season with a bit salt, reserve.
2. Boil spaghetti and vegi separately. Mix with olive oil after drain.
3. Prepare sauce: mix BBQ sauce, ketchup, sugar and water.
4. Heat 3 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil in low heat, saute sliced garlic and chili until fragrant.
5. Keep low heat, pour the prepared sauce into the skillet, stir fry the sauce for 1 min.
6. Pour hot sauce on pork chop, season with black pepper. Serve hot.


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