A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


炸腐皮紫菜蝦卷 Deep fried seaweed and shrimp paste beancurd sheet roll

一個没有難度的小食, 賣相卻一流。腐皮和蝦夾着紫菜白芝麻, 很香口呀! 唯一不足是要趁熱食。

手剁蝦膠 1碗(以鹽, 白胡椒粉醃, 放入雪櫃最少一小時)
白芝麻 5湯匙 先用白鑊烘香
少許麻油, 鹽

熱水 1湯匙

Ingredients for 1 roll:
A sheet of beancurd, divided into 4 square sized sheet
Seaweed, 2 sized big or 8 pcs of small
1 bowl of shrimp paste, seasoned with salt and white pepper, refrigerate for at least 1 hour
5 tbsp of white sesame, toast in a skillet until light brown and fragrant
sesame oil and salt

Dip sauce:
1.5 tablespoon of Ketchup
1 tablespoon of hot water
Half spoonful of white vinegar
A bit brown sugar

把蝦膠抺上2張腐皮, 灑一㸃鹽, 掃上少許麻油, 均勻地散上已烘香的白芝麻
Spread some shrimp paste onto 2 pieces of beancurd sheet, sprinkle with salt and brush with a bit sesame oil, white sesame then

Place seaweed on the other 2 sheets

疊起, 最底層蝦-> 紫菜-> 蝦-> 紫菜
Put them together alternatively, the botton one is shrimp paste sheet

Slightly stretch and roll

用保鮮包裹並扭緊兩面, 放入雪櫃15分鐘
Wrap the roll with a pc of cling film, twist both side, keep in fridge for 15 mins

用八成熱油温炸。即放入筷子見到有些bubble便放入腐皮卷,炸到金黄色, 取出印走油
Heat oil to 80% hot. Test the oil temperature by putting a chopstick in, when there are bubbles on it, the oil temperature is around 80% hot. Then deep fry the roll until light brown, let drain on a paper towel to absorb excess grease

把㸃醬材料混合, 若太酸可多加一些糖, 相反, 加多一㸃醋。把卷物切件並多灑上一些芝麻。趁熱吃!
Mix the dip sauce ingredients, add extra sugar if sour or vinegar to enhance the sourness. Cut the roll in pieces, garnish with sesame, serve hot with dip sauce. Enjoy!


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