A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


白汁青芥辣蠔 Oysters in white sauce with wasabi

開party的好介紹。這食譜可作頭盆拌法包食, 也可當主菜拌飯拌意大利麵。當然做批, 做白汁蠔酥皮也吸引哬!

新鮮蠔或急凍蠔也可。若配法包, 蠔宜選細少一㸃。也要知道蠔會出水, 白汁一開始要煮杰身一㸃(加多少許麵粉), 最後汁的厚薄便剛好了。食譜配法包食,加入wasabi提升味道。若拌pasta, wasabi可省減。

1. 急凍日本蠔 約15隻, 洗淨印乾
2. Wipping cream 200ml
3. 白蘑菇(選細粒少少) 1-2盒
4. Wasabi 1-2湯匙
5. 即磨黑椒, 鹽
6. 牛油一件 約1cm 厚
7. 麵粉 3湯匙
8. Cayenne pepper 少許

1. 細火熱pan, 放入牛油, 加入麵粉, 炒勻至沒有粒粒
2. 倒入忌廉, 放入蘑菇略煮
3. 加鹽及wasabi, 試味後再逐少加入

4. 調好味後加入蠔略煮
5. 灑上cayenne pepper(少許辣), 黑椒碎, 熄火, 放上碟, 白汁稍為稀一㸃因蠔出水, 趁熱食。

1. Live or frozen oysters around 15 pcs (rinse and dry)
2. Wipping cream 200ml
3. White button mushroom 1 to 2 packs
4. Wasabi 1 to 2 spoonful
5. Some ground black pepper and salt
6. A knob of butter around 1cm thick
7. 3 spoonful flour
8. A pinch of Cayenne pepper

1. Low heat, stir fry the butter and flour until smooth without lumps.
2. Keep low heat, pour wipp cream,  then mushroom, cook for a few mins.
3. Season with some salt and 1 tablespoon of wasabi first. Add somemore gradually after taste.
4. Bring in oysters, cook for a while.
5. Sprinkle with a bit cayenne pepper and black pepper. Serve hot.


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