A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens
香煎金不換豬扒 Pan fried pork chops with Indonesia basil
羅勒的品種非常多。最常見常用有歐洲的sweet basil, 葉形大片較濶。常作拌沙律意粉, 煮青醬。味道較淡, 不會太刺激。東南亞, 越南, 中國的有Thai basil, Lemon basil/Indonesia basil。葉形較尖長, 氣味芳香偏濃。用作炒海鮮, 拌湯粉。一般稱金不換。台灣人稱之為九層塔, 外形尖長葉細, 氣味很濃。煮湯, 炒蛋或菜式拌料。
煮西式餸菜多使用sweet basil, 在超市有售, 新鮮不便宜, 可選用乾葉。 家常便飯, 泰菜越菜則使用金不換或九層塔。相對價錢便一㸃。在泰國印尼小店有售。所有羅勒葉的特性是容易花(bruise), 除影響外觀, 也不耐存放。把剩餘浸水至出根, 便可種植了。
新鮮梅頭豬扒 4片切半, 用刀背剁鬆(急凍豬扒不用)
金不換葉 約大半碗
生粉 適量
白胡椒粉 適量
金不換葉 3片切幼
青檸葉 3-4片 切幼
糖 1茶匙
鹽 少許
紹興酒 1瓶蓋
生抽 1茶匙
油 1湯匙
青檸葉切幼, 加醃料混合, 醃半天
肉放回室温, 撲一㸃生粉, 煎至兩邊金黄色, 期間灑一點鹽
落油, 放入金不換, 炒一炒, 放回豬扒, 蓋上, 焗住1,2分鐘
青檸葉和金不換都超香。簡易, 美味啊!
4 pcs Fresh pork chops, halved ( pound and pierce for tenderize the chops but not applicable on frozen chops)
2/3 bowl of Indonesia basil or Thai basil
corn starch
Some ground white pepper
3-4 pc Kaffir lime leaves (thinly sliced)
3 pc basil (thinly sliced)
1 teaspoon sugar
A little bit salt
1 bottle cap of Chinese cooking wine.
1 teaspoon light soya sauce.
1 tablespoon oil.
1. Marinate pork chops for half day.
2. Bring it to room temperature.
3. Coat each pork chop with corn starch, shake to remove extra.
4. Pan fry until golden brown, season with sea salt on both side.
5. Take out and set aside.
6. Add oil, stir fry basil for 10 seconds, bring back the chops, mix well. Cover for 1 to 2 mins.
7. Serve hot.
8. It is fragrant, the pork chops are tender and juicy.
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