勁愛潮州打冷。鹵水大墨魚, 鹵鵝, 大眼雞和凍蟹。潮州蜆仔肉跟潮州粥是必選菜式。要在家中烹調蜆仔, 會選擇冬天才購買。因海產類易受感染, 而且冬天蜆肉較肥美。蠔以沙井出產多, 亦特別肥。當中金蠔和蠔䜴很有名。入冬至新年前是當造。論蜆, 蜆仔, 獅蚶以潮州產量最多亦較好。炒蜆仔肉用韮菜, 鹹菜, 韮菜花很普遍。不喜歡以上, 可跟食譜只用蔥頭, 蔥白部份。一樣惹味。
要食得安心, 必須把蜆仔肉好好清潔。雖然蜆仔肉本身已熟(方便去殻), 買回家一定要再煮透才安全食用。
1. 潮州蜆仔肉 (在淡水魚檔有售) 1包
2. 半碗蔥白, 另半碗青蔥分開 全部切幼粒
3. 新鮮紫天椒 3隻 (小辣, 可再加減)
4. 紫蔥或乾蔥頭 4粒切幼
5. 薑 磨蓉 半湯匙
6. 蠔油 1湯匙
7. 糖 1.5茶匙
8. 紹興酒 半瓶蓋
9. 白胡椒粉 適量
10. 鹽 少量
買回家後先聞一聞有没有臭味(有, 必須棄掉)。 去除雜質, 如海草, 蜆殼, 蝦仔蟹仔等等
放入籂中, 下面加盆。長開水喉, 一手不停攪動蜆仔, 另一手把篩子上下搖晃, 讓蜆中的沙泥濾出, 倒走盆中泥水。
直至水清晰為止。要2-30次, 視乎蜆肉清潔情度。隔走水份, 放在篩中15分鐘濾走多餘水份
轉中大火, 落油爆香薑蓉, 蔥白和已切開的辣椒, 灑少許鹽
加入蜆仔肉, 糖, 白胡椒粉, 炒數分鐘。之後酒, 立即蓋上, 30秒打開蓋, 炒均加入蠔油, 攪拌後熄火。加入剩下青蔥部份, 用餘温炒勻。
一㸃沙也沒有。準備功夫多了但吃得放心。拌潮州粥食簡直絶配, 用蔥代替韮菜也非常惹味。
潮州粥做法: 飯煲煲好飯, 放入大煲加水, 中火滾30-45分鐘, 加鹽便可。
1. 1 pack Chiu Chow baby clams (from wet market)
2. A big bunch of scallion, separate white lower part and green part (finely diced)
3. 4 pc shallots (finely chopped)
4. A teaspoon of crushed ginger
5. 3 pc chili (diced)
6. 1 tablespoon oyster sauce
7. 1.5 teaspoon sugar
8. Salt
9. Half bottle cap of Chinese cooking wine
10. Some ground white pepper
1. Place the baby clams in a strainer, discard all waste including seaweed, seashells and others.
2. Rinse the baby clams with a strainer under running water, soak and shake off sand and mud. Repeat until the soaking water is clear. About 20-30times.
3. Strain for 15 mins.
4. Heat up a skillet, saute the clams without oil until dry. Set aside.
5. Add oil, turn to medium heat, fry those chili, ginger and shallots until fragrant. Season with little salt.
6. Bring in baby clams, add somemore oil if too dry. stir fry, sprinkle with ground white pepper, sugar, continue to fry for a few mins. Add wine and cover immediately for 30 seconds. Open lid, add oyster sauce, mix well, off heat. Add remaining green part of scallion. Stir fry with remaining heat.
7. Serve with congee.
8. For congee, simply boil with cooked rice and moderate amount of water for 30 to 45 minutes. Season with salt.
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