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咕嚕排骨(免油炸) Sweet and sour pork ribs recipe (oven-grilled version)

煮咕嚕肉一定是媽媽做得好, 外面脆口, 內面多汁。咕嚕汁厚薄剛好。始終經油高温炸肉質更鬆化。若不想油炸, 用焗爐烤的做法也方便。外脆內嫩無問題, 特別適用於有骨部位, 省時利落。

還記得高温烹煮肉食會釋出誘發至癌物HCAs嗎?要減低釋出, 把肉切細一㸃, 烹調時間短一㸃, 撲粉以保留水份多一㸃。醃肉時使用帶酸性物質醃料, 如生果, 醋,乳酪,紅酒白酒,啤酒等。並同時進食較好抗氧化的蔬菜。詳情可按入香烤蘋果果皮豬肋骨

三色燈籠椒 各半個
菠蘿 1小罐
生粉/蕃薯粉 1.5碗

茄汁 半碗
酸梅 1粒 壓爛去核
中國白醋 3湯匙
片糖 大半片
水 半碗
生抽 1茶匙
生粉 1茶匙打芡

白胡椒粉 適量
米酒 半瓶蓋
薑汁 1湯匙
生抽 1湯匙
生粉 少許
油 1湯匙


把肉放回室温, 逐粒沾上生粉, 拍走多餘。放上焗架

預熱焗爐較烤(grill) 230度。把焗架放上中高位置(發熱線下第二格)。 烤8分鐘至金黄, 取出反轉。多烤7-8分鐘。


三色椒菠蘿略炒取出。把汁料放入, 待片糖溶解, 試味再逐少加入其餘片糖(若太酸可再加額外), 三色椒菠蘿回鑊, 同時準備生粉水埋薄芡

把排骨放入汁, 快炒。讓汁包住每粒排骨, 上碟。


Pork ribs (diced)
Bell peppers (half for each color)
Pineapple (small can)
1.5 bowl potato starch or corn starch

Ketchup 1/2 bowl
3 tbsp Chinese white vinegar
2/3 pc Slap sugar
1pc of pickled plum or umeboshi
(crushed, remove seed)
1 tsp light soya sauce
1/2 bowl hot water

Pork marinade:
1 tsp Ground white pepper
1 tbsp fresh ginger essence
Half bottle cap of Chinese cooking wine
1 tbsp corn starch
1 tbsp cooking Oil
1 tsp light soya sauce

1. Marinate pork ribs and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.
2. Bring it to room temperature.
3. Dip each pork rib in corn starch, coat and shake to remove excess.
4. Place ribs on an oven rack.
5. Preheat oven to grill mode at 230 degrees Celsius.
6. Place rack at higher position.
7. Grill 8 mins then flip,  continue to grill 8 mins more or until golden brown.
8. Take out and set aside.
9. Stir fry the peppers and pineapple, take out and set aside.
10. For the sauce, mix the sauce ingredients with half pc of slap sugar and half bowl of hot water. Then cook the sauce over medium heat until slap sugar is melted. Add the remaining slap sugar or more if sour. Bring back the peppers and pineapple to a boil.
11. Mix corn starch with a bit water. Pour into the pepper mixture, stir until slightly thickened.
12. Put back the pork ribs, stir fry quickly. Coat each rib with the sauce.
13. Serve hot.

大致跟傳統咕嚕肉做法一樣, 有關食譜請按http://ritalp.blogspot.hk/2014/11/traditional-sweet-and-sour-pork-recipe.html?m=0


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