A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


涼拌陳醋豬肚絲 Shredded pork stomach in aged vinegar sauce, cold dish




1. 已煲1小時豬肚 半個
2. 小青瓜 2條 切幼條
3. 芫荽或蕃荽 2棵 切幼
4. 蒜 3粒 磨蓉
5. 紫天椒 3-5隻 切幼
6. 乾葱頭 1粒 磨蓉
7. 鮮薑磨蓉 1茶匙
8. 陳醋(八真) 3湯匙
9. 黄糖 1.5湯匙
10. 生抽 1茶匙
11. 麻油 1湯匙





2. 若不先煲豬肚湯,豬肚洗淨可用清雞湯煲1小時或1小時15分鐘。

Ingredients (1/2 pork stomach, 3-4 serving):
1/2 Pork stomach (take it from the pork stomache soup which already boil for 1 hour, please click http://ritalp.blogspot.hk/2016/02/how-to-clean-pork-stomach-pork-stomach.html?m=0  for details)
2 baby cucumber,  cut into strips
2 talks of parsley or coriander,  coursely chopped
3 garlic cloves,  crushed
3-5 pc of chili, coursely chopped
1 clove of shallot, crushed
Crushed ginger 1 teaspoon
1.5 tablespoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon light soya sauce
1 tablespoon sesame oil
3 tablespoons of aged vinegar

Method :
1. Soak the 1/2 pork stomach in ice water for 15 to 20 mins.
2. Cut into 1cm thick strip.
3. Put baby cucumber strips on a plate, season with a bit salt.
4. Bring the pork stomach strips on cucumber.
5. Prepare sauce, mix ingredients 3-11 in a bowl, taste to add extra sugar or vinegar if necessary.
6. Pour half part of sauce on the pork stomach.

1.For soft texture, no need to soak with ice water, just cool after take out from soup.
2. If the pork stomach is not collected from soup, just boil it with chicken stock for 1 to 1hour 15mins.


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