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方魚肉碎粥,方魚肉碎蠔粥 Congee with minced pork, dried flounder and oysters
大地魚乾 1條(烘香脆,取肉,骨保留)
葱頭切粒 少許
冬菇 (多少隨個人喜好)
飯 2碗
豬肉剁碎 (食譜用肉眼,以少許生抽,薑汁,鹽,油,糖及生粉略醃)
蠔仔 (食譜使用急凍蠔,先飛水,印乾), 可省減
鹽,麻油,胡椒粉 各少許
1. 烘香大地魚肉略切片。
2. 魚頭,骨及皮放入魚湯袋,連冬菇仔煲約30-40分鐘出味。之後取出魚袋,灑鹽調味。
3. 放入肉碎,並去除浮面泡泡,略滾。之後加入芫荽頭,葱頭,唐芹粒略煮(此時留起少許湯放入另一小煲煮蠔粥)。之後放入適量飯略滾。熄火後加芫荽葉。把粥放入碗,灑上白胡椒粉,少許麻油,額外芫荽葉及烘香的大地魚肉拌食。
4. 若喜歡加入蠔,在另一小煲注入預留的湯底,加入少許飯及蠔一起略滾。放入碗內灑白胡椒粉,麻油,芫荽葉及已烘大地魚乾。
2. 鮮蠔仔肉以生粉搓揉去污,左水喉下沖洗,之後隔水印乾。可飛水或不飛水。
Ingredients (serves 4):
1 dried flounder (baked and crushed)
Chinese celery , chopped
Corriander / Parsley (chop the stem and reserve leaves)
The Bulb of spring onion, chopped
Dried mushroom (soaked)
2 bowls of rice
Minced pork (marinated with ginger essence, salt, sugar, ground white pepper, light soya sauce and cooking oil)
Oysters (blanched, drained and dried), optional
A bit of ground white pepper, sesame oil and salt
1. After baked the dried flounder, separate the meat from bone. Then chop the meat into pieces.
2. At the same time, put all the fish bone and head into a cotton muslin bag. Then, boil with the dried mushrooms for 30-40 mins over low to medium heat. Remove the muslin bag. Season the soup with salt.
3. Add the minced pork together, just boil for few mins, remove the scum on top. Then, add the Chinese celery cubes, spring onion bulb pcs and parsley stem. (At this moment, reserve some soup for cooking with oyster later). After that, put the cooked rice into the soup and boil for further few mins. Off heat, put the reserved leaves of parsley together. Scoop the congee in a soup bowl with a ladle, season with ground white pepper, sesame oil, and garnish with extra Parsley.
4. For adding oysters, simply heat up the reserved soup in a sauce pan, add cooked rice and oysters, boil for few mins. Off heat, scoop the congee in a soup bowl with a ladle. Season with ground white pepper and sesame oil. Serve hot with extra parsley and baked dried flounder.
1. Basically, if adding oysters to the congee, just add it at last.
2. If using fresh oysters, simply rub them with corn starch and rinse through under running water.
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