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烤五香豬排 Grilled pork collar butt with five spice powder



西班牙豬梅頭 1件
蛋 1隻

薑汁 1湯匙
薑蓉 1茶匙
生抽 2/3 湯匙
鹽,糖 少許
五香粉 1.5茶匙
白胡椒粉 少許
油 1湯匙
生粉水 少許

1. 豬梅頭洗淨,印乾,印時略壓豬肉令其扁平。加醃料醃半天。
2. 豬肉放回室溫,先薄薄撲上生粉,壓實。再均勻沾上蛋液。最後再撲得一層生粉。焗架掃油,放上豬排,在表面多灑少許鹽及五香粉。
3. 預熱烤爐,230度。把焗架放中高位置,烤10分鐘。反轉,取出灑鹽和五香粉,再烤8分鐘 (注意,若開始燶,調低溫度220度,當表面濕潤,再次調高溫度)。
4. 取出切件。

1. 豬件有大細,烤的時間要加減。
2. 烤的時候,豬的油及汁會向下流而造成底一面濕。反轉後可推高溫度或把焗架再向上接近發熱線令豬排快速收水。當稍乾便可降低焗架或調校番溫度,以減低過乾,甚至燶。

A pc of Spanish pork collar butt
Potato starch
1 egg, whisked

1 tbsp ginger essence
1 tsp ginger puree
2/3 tbsp light soya sauce
A bit of salt and sugar
1.5 tsp five spice powder
A little bit ground white pepper
1 tbsp cooking oil
A little bit potato starch mixed with water

1. Dry the pork pc with kitchen paper after washed. Gently flatten the pork by pressing down with palm. Mix with marinades and refrigerate for 1/2 day.
2. Bring the pork pc to room temperature. Evenly Coat the pork pc with potato starch, press to fix the starch on it, then shake to remove excess. Dip the pork pc into the whisked egg. Finally, coat it with potato starch again. Then, oil an oven rack, place pork pc on it, sprinkle with five spice powder and salt.
3. Preheat oven to grill mode at 230 degrees celsius. Put the rack at upper position, grill 10 mins. Remove the rack from heat, flip the pork pc, sprinkle with salt and five spice powder again. Put it back to the oven, continue to grill for around 8 mins.
4. When finish, off heat and take out. Slice the pork into pcs, serve hot with aged sorghum vinegar and chili bean paste.

1. Adjust grill time as size of each pork pc is different. 
2. Since oil and juice from the pork will be dripped down during grilling. Thus, the starch coating of the bottom side will be wet. Simply adjust the oven temp to a bit higer or adjust the rack to higher position after flip the pork pc and continue to process. The coating will be dried and become crispy soon. Be remember to adjust back to 220 to 230 degrees celsius if the coating is started to dry or even burn. 


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