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自家製青檸蛋黃醬 Homemade Lime curd

Fruit curd, 以生果汁,果皮,蛋黃,糖做出的醬。一般用柑橘類果汁,如檸檬,青檸,柑橘。也有熱情果。選材愈靚,效果愈芳香,相比果醬(jam)更令人喜愛。特別塗抹在麵包,鬆餅上,幼滑清新。


蛋的作用是幫助凝固,尤其蛋黃,就像煮custard一樣。蛋黃愈深,fruit curd著色愈深,像日本蛋。牛油加入後使fruit curd成幼滑口感,也有助凝固及延長一點點存放時間。當然,相比果醬,fruit curd要儘快享用,約10天8天。


澳洲青檸汁或其他 180ml (可轉用檸檬汁)
全蛋3隻另加1蛋黃 (食譜使用日本大蛋,想減少著色,改用其他)
有機甘蔗糖 60g (個別青檸酸度不同,先調味作調整)
法國無鹽牛油 100g (份量可隨個人喜好略減)
青檸皮 1茶匙(加入果皮增加香氣,過多使醬帶苦澀)

1. 青檸汁加糖攪勻,先試味再調整糖。加入蛋,攪拌,之後加入青檸皮及牛油粒。
2. 鍋放入蒸架,注水(剛在兜下),放上(1),開小火,不停攪拌(這樣兜一下子不會太熱)。

3. 繼續同一方向攪,若攪了很久仍未凝固,稍調高爐火。直至開始杰身,醬沾上刀上慢慢滴下,就差不多完成了。
4. 保持攪拌,使醬更加杰身但不要過份(冷藏後更杰)。當醬沾上刀不再向下流。熄火,離火後繼續攪拌至更幼滑及光令。注入已煲過的玻璃瓶。即食或冷藏後進食更佳。

1. 基本上坐熱水煮成,新手先用蒸的方法。
2. 一開始水溫太熱,特別未事先把蛋,青檸汁混合好便煮,蛋很易成蛋花(curdles),則需棄掉再做了。

Ingredients (around 200ml bottle x 2):
Australian lime juice or others 180ml (or use lemon juice)
3 whole eggs plus 1 egg yolk (I use Japanese large eggs, use other eggs for less yellowish curd)
60g organic cane sugar
100g French unsalted butter (can be decreased a little bit for desired flavour)
1 tsp zest of lime (the taste of the lime curd will become a little bit bitter if using too much zest to cook)

1. Put the lime juice and zest, sugar, eggs and egg yolk into a heatproof bowl. Whisk until the ingredients are well combined, then add butter cubes.  Sit the bowl over a pan with water (make sure the water is not touching the bowl).  Set low heat then. Stir the mixture every now and again until the butter has melted.
2. Keep stiring the mixture until creamy and thick enough to coat a knife in one direction. Remove the lime curd from the heat, continue to stir until smooth and glossy.
3. Cool and spoon the lime curd into sterilized jars and seal. Refrigerate until ready to use.

1. The heatproof bowl should not touch with the simmering water to prevent the eggs from curdling.
2. The lime juice and eggs should be whisked until well combined before sitting on the simmering water.


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