A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


自家製手打鳥冬Homemade Udon


最初尖沙咀CC super food court, 有個日本人即時表演手打烏冬..一大塊麵團,用一支長棍打下打下..摺兩摺,切出一模一樣厚薄的烏冬。當然即食了一碗..Oishi。就像人家做竹昇麵原理。。壓到麵團起筋變得韌同彈牙。。那家中何來有長棍?哈哈!rolling pin是也。

做烏冬用中筋粉all purpose flour...不知心理作用還是真的要用番日本人麵粉。日清中筋粉(烏冬麵粉)確實比外國的好。麵團很柔軟。。一攪起就知。在cc super有售。

材料: 日清手打烏冬小麦粉和水。跟包裝指示300g粉對145ml飲用凍水, 鹽約2茶匙。(我自己加多少少水,粉團剛軟, 夠濕潤不沾手便可)

Ingredients: Japanese Udon flour or all purpose flour , tepid water,salt  2 tea spoon. Ratio according to the packing provided is 300g flour to 145ml water. (I add little bit more water or until the dough becomes firm but soft and moist)

用手搓或用機混合後-> 用輾棍一下一下“盅",反轉重覆,期間要加點麵粉以防黏着-> 約5,6次
After mix by hand or by machine-> pound the dough by the tip of a rolling pin, repeat the other side, add additional flour if too wet-> around 5 to 6 times

Pound the dough thoroughly with medium force, around 10 to 15times(do not heavily hit)-> let the dough rest for 30 to 45mins, cover with clingfilm

A: 手切烏冬 rolling and cutting by hand

30-45分鐘後,把麵團取出,灑上麵粉-> 輕輕力按壓麵團排出空氣-> 輾平至3mm厚->期間加入麵粉防黏着-> 灑粉對摺-> 切開半cm闊-> 即時加入麵粉-> 鬆開已切的烏冬

After 30 to 45mins, turn out the dough on floured surface-> knead the dough gently to remove air-> roll it out until 3mm thick-> sprinkle with flour, fold and slice it into 5mm width -> flour and loose the udon


Boil udon for 5-8 mins, then leave it in ice water for ready to serve. The texture of udon noodle is springy and moist. However, it looks irregular in thickness by hand-cut

B:手動意大利麵條機 by pasta machine


Divide the half dough into 3, lightly flour the dough strip, set rollers of pasta machine at the widest, position 1->  feed the dough through the roller, then adjust to setting 2 and 3 again.

接駁闊麵切割部份-> 放入麵團,攪出一條條烏冬麵-> 手接著->另一隻手灑上麵粉鬆開麵條

Attach desired size and shape of pasta roller-> feed through the cutting blades for tagliatelle-> hold the udon noodle-> at the same time, sprinkle with extra flour on the udon to prevent sticking together


Cook fresh udon immediately or hang the strips to dry on a pasta rack for 1 to 2 hours-> it can be kept for a few weeks in the fridge.


The udon noodle looks fantastic with regular shape and size. It was more springy and smooth which compare with the udon rolling without using machine. ( I found handmade udon was much soft). Cooking time should be increased to 10mins around for dry udon noodle.

1. 一開始沒想到用pasta machine。所以手造出來靭度適中。相反,用麵條機壓出的烏冬稍有一點韌。所以,如果用pasta machine的話,在用木棍拍壓時,次數應減少。

2. 在拍壓麵團和輾平以及其他步驟均需灑上麵粉。所以一開始混合麵粉和水時,水份略加少許,令麵團更柔軟和濕度足夠。

1. If using pasta machine, the pounding time for the dough at the beginning should be decreased as the texture of the udon will be tough enough.

2. The dough should be moist and soft. If not, it would become very dry if adding extra flour during the process. 


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