A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


芝士乳酪印度餡餅 Cheese and yoghurt stuffed roti prata

很方便簡易的做法, 不用搓麵粉, 只買現成的急凍印度薄餅(星加坡第一家薄餅), 食幾多整幾多。食譜選用cream cheese和乳酪。也可選用喜歡的芝士種類, 但一些易溶的芝士較為適合。調味也可由印度香料轉用香蔥或蜂蜜, 變化很大呢! 趁熱吃, 薄餅酥脆, 芝士仍流心。好好味! 開party之選。

cream cheese 200g
原味乳酪 1杯
急凍印度薄餅/香酥餅 10片
咖哩粉 2茶匙
孜然粉, 辣椒粉 各少許
檸檬汁 半個
鹽 少許(可省卻)

Ingredients for 10 pc:
200g Cream cheese 
1 cup Plain yoghurt 
10 pcs Frozen roti prata 
2 tsp curry powder 
A little bit ground cumin and cayenne pepper 
Half lemon juice
Salt (optional)

左上: 忌廉芝士, 乳酪攪匀至順滑
左下及右: 加入咖哩粉, 孜然粉, 辣椒粉, 檸檬汁及少少少鹽(可省卻)

Upper Lt: mix cream cheese with yoghurt until smooth
Lower Lt and Rt: add in curry powder, cayenne pepper, lemon juice, ground cumin and salt(optional)

左上: 預熱煎pan, 不用下油, 放入薄餅, 待乾身可反轉 , 若微微脹起, 取出
右上: 剪開邊位, 把鑊剷插入, 令薄餅中空(似荷包)
左下: 用匙羹放入適量芝士醬
右下: 放回熱pan, 把兩面略煎至酥脆(約每面30秒)

Upper Lt: preheat a skillet, put a pc of roti inside without adding oil. Fry until slightly brown and flip to the other side, continue. 
Upper Rt: take out the roti when puff up, open the roti to make a pocket by a turning spatula
Lower Lt: fill the roti pocket with the cream cheese mixture
Lower Rt: bring the filled roti back to the warm pan, further fry both side for 30 sec to 1 min until crispy and golden brown

配上沙律菜及生果, 切開四份, 灑上咖哩粉
Serve with salad vegi and fruit, cut roti prata into four, sprinkle with extra curry powder to garnish

趁熱食, 外面酥脆, 內面芝士是流心呀! 
Serve hot, the roti prata is crispy with cheese melting! 

加了芝士, 薄餅較易燶。小心!
After cheese filled, the roti prata would be charred more easily. Watch out!


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