A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


洛神花脆脆骨 crispy pork ribs with roselle

實在很喜歡洛神花, 顏色非常美麗, 味道酸酸的。其營養價值也不少。在我食譜中, 多使用洛神花於果醬, 蜂蜜及甜品。想一想, 新鮮的洛神花花瓣很脆口, 何不當配菜, 如燈籠椒, 西芹, 青豆那樣炒呢?! 唯一要平衡是它的酸味。

在煮的過程, 發覺了一㸃, 煮的時間愈長, 酸味愈出。剛炒起的洛神花是微酸的。但第二天翻熱吃..嘩,酸到呢! 另一㸃是炒的時間, 像西芹, 燈籠椒一樣, 要食脆口的, 一過火便不好吃了。所以, 炒洛神花的時間也不能長, 約2分鐘就很脆口了

那脆脆骨, 不經油炸, 在沒有氣炸鍋下, 使用焗爐的“烤”, grill mode便能做到又香又脆又不肥膩的烤排骨了。方便加健康, 不防一試。

材料: 洛神花花瓣(去除中間綠色種子部分), 排骨先用白胡椒粉, 生抽, 少許酒, 糖, 粟粉和油醃(一字排, 少少肥), 黄糖/椰糖 1- 2湯匙, 蒜片少量, 粟粉或蕃薯粉

Ingredients: Roselle petals(remove the inner seeds), pork ribs with little bit fat, (marinate with light soya sauce, white pepper, sugar, wine and oil), 2 tablespoon of brown sugar or coconut, little bit garlic flakes, corn starch or potato starch

1. 醃過的排骨從雪櫃放回室温15-30分鐘。
2. 排骨每一粒撲上粟粉或蕃薯粉(若排骨太濕, 上粉前用廚房紙印乾), 之後放上烤架, 灑上海鹽。
3. 預熱焗爐, 較“烤”製式, 把烤架放入中間高度位置, 約230度, 烤10分鐘。
4. 取出, 把排骨反轉, 放回焗架, 升高一格。再焗10分鐘, 取出備用。

1. Bring the marinated pork ribs to room temperature for 15 to 30 mins.
2. Pat dry the pork ribs if wet. Then, coat the pork in corn starch or potato starch. Remove excess. Place them on a oven rack, sprinkle with sea salt.
3. Preheat oven, turn to grill mode, place the oven rack at middle position. Grill at 230 degrees Celsius for 10 mins.
4. Take out the rack, flip the pork ribs, bring back to the oven and raise the rack to higher position. Grill 10 mins further. Take out and set aside.

落油, 爆香蒜片, 放入洛神花瓣, 加1-2湯匙黄糖(份量跟個人口味), 快炒花瓣1分鐘至糖溶解

Heat oil, saute garlic, bring in Roselle petals, then 1-2 tablespoons of brown sugar or coconut sugar, stir fry for 1min until sugar dissolved

加入排骨, 炒勻, 約1分鐘, 熄火, 立即取出
Bring in the grilled pork ribs and stir fry for around 1 min more, off heat, take out immediately

餸菜的味道很特別, 洛神花爽脆, 微微酸甜, 排骨外脆內裡juicy, 很好吃。煮的時間不長, 排骨没有沾上太多洛神花的味道卻有洛神花的顏色。很美 ! 

The grilled pork ribs could be mixed with other kind of sauce as well as other dishes.



洛神花crumble tart


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