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電飯煲焗朱古力杏仁蛋糕(無牛油麵粉版) Flourless chocolate and almond rice cooker cake

朱古力加raspberries即刻變得好聖誕。電飯煲焗蛋糕比焗爐焗確有不足。但好處是不用睇火, 又能保存水份。食譜不加麵粉, 牛油, 還選用72% 黑朱古力和台灣黑糖。配蜂蜜和raspberries一起吃。一㸃也不邪惡!

1. 法國 Valrhona 朱古力 72% 150g
2. 台灣黑糖120g (低甜)
3. 蜂蜜 2湯匙, 另一湯匙掃蛋糕面用
4. 可可粉 2湯匙 加 3湯匙熱水混合
5. 杏仁粉 120g (過篩)
6. 蛋 4隻 分開蛋黄和蛋白
7. Extra virgin olive oil 100g
8. Raspberries 和糖粉

1. French Valrhona 72% dark chocolate150g
2. 120g firmly packed brown sugar (low sugar)
3. 2 tablespoons of honey plus 1 tablespoon for glazing
4. 2 tablespoos cocoa powder, mix with 3 tablespoons hot water
5. 120g almond meal (sieve)
6. 4 eggs, separated
7. 100g extra virgin olive oil
8. Raspberries and icing sugar

1. 先打蛋白至企身
2. 蛋黄, 黑糖先用打蛋器打鬆, 加入杏仁粉, 蜂蜜, 繼續打至鬆起2-3倍
3. 朱古力隔熱水煮溶, 加入可可粉漿, 之後橄欖油, 離火, 攪拌至光滑
4. 拌入蛋糊中, 用攪拌器低速攪勻
5. 蛋白分幾次拌入朱古力糊中

1. Beat the egg whites with an electric mixer until soft peaks form
2. Beat eggyolks and sugar with electric mixer until light and fluffy. Then, continue to beat with honey and almond meal.
3. Chocolate in a bowl over simmering water, stir until melted. Stir in cocoa mixture, then oil, remove from heat. Mix well until glossy 
4. Fold into egg mixture and mix well with an electric mixer in low speed
5. Fold egg whites into chocolate mixture in batches 

6. 倒入飯煲, 按“正常煮飯”模式, 完成檢查蛋糕, 我按了3次“正常煮飯”模式。用牙簽插入, 沒有朱古力漿黏著便可
7. 取出飯煲內胆, 讓蛋糕吹乾及收縮, 約20分鐘
8. 準備平碟, 放入一張焗爐紙。放上蛋糕, 用手傍住, 倒出蛋糕並置於碟上(煲底那面放上碟)

6. Pour the batter into the inner bowl of ricecooker, set“cook rice” mode. Check the cake when a cycle finished. Repeat another cycle until the cake finished (3 cycles of “cook rice” have been set)
7. Take out the inner bowl from the cooker, allow to cool the cake for 20 mins
8. Prepare a flat plate, put a pc of parchment paper on the cake, hold to remove on a plate

9. 趁暖, 在蛋糕面掃上蜜糖, 放上 raspberries 和糖粉
9. Brush honey glazing, garnish with raspberries and icing sugar

Serve hot or cold with somemore honey, the cake is light and moist, enjoy!


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