A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


電飯煲青檸蜂蜜蛋糕 Lime and honey ricecooker cake



昭和香格里拉低筋粉或其他 120g
baking powder 1 tsp
Cream of tartar 1/5 tsp
雞蛋4隻, 另加蛋黄2隻, 蛋白2隻
椰糖 50g (少甜版, 可自己再加)
青檸汁 60ml
Vanilla paste 1/2 tsp
青檸皮 1tsp  另加一些裝飾
Extra virgin olive oil 1tbsp

青檸汁 2個
檸檬汁 1個
蔗糖 2-3 tbsp
青檸肉 1個
蜂蜜 1.5 tbsp

1. 麵粉和baking powder過篩。
2. 2隻蛋白加tartar粉打至企身。
3. 椰糖, 4隻蛋加2個黄, 青檸汁, 青檸皮, vanilla paste打至輕身(份量增加2倍)
4. 逐少篩入一半粉, 輕輕攪拌。
5. 加一半企身蛋白入 (4)。
6. 逐少加入其餘粉。
7. 之後分2次放入餘下蛋白。
8. 倒入飯煲, 按正常煲飯模式1次。用牙籤插入, 若有蛋糊沾上, 再按電掣並根據蛋糕熟成除時停止電源

9. 取出飯煲內胆, 吹乾水氣15分鐘

10. 準備syrup:  除青檸肉和蜂蜜外, 把材料倒入煲仔, 細火煮溶糖。若太酸自我調節糖份量, 較中火煮至焦糖。熄火, 加入蜂蜜和青檸肉攪均。

11. 把蛋糕倒出, 頂向上。掃上syrup。

12. 最後灑上少量青檸皮及一個青檸薄切。


Cake Ingredients:

120g Japanese plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/5 cream of tartar
4 eggs,  plus 2 egg yolks  2 eggwhite
50g coconut sugar (low sweet, adjust)
60ml lime juice
1/2 tsp vanilla paste
1 tsp lime zest plus a little bit for garnish
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Ingredients of honey syrup:
1 lemon juice
2 lime juice
2-3 tbsp cane sugar
1 pulp of lime
1.5 tbsp honey

1. Sieve the plain flour and baking powder, set aside.
2. Beat eggwhite with tartar until soft peak form.
3. Beat 4 eggs, 2 eggyolks, vanilla paste, sugar, zest until light anf fluffy with an electric mixer.
4. Gently fold in 1/2 dry ingredients in batches.
5. Then, fold in half eggwhite.
6. Add the remaining flour.
7. Fold in the remaining eggwhite in 2 batches.
8. Pour the batter into the inner bowl of ricecooker. Set ordinary rice cooking cycle or continue another 1/2 cycle until the toothpick is clear and dry after insert and pull out.
9. Take out from the cooker, allow the cake to cool for at least 15 mins.
10. Prepare hot syrup: pour ingredients except lime pulp and honey into a saucepan.
11. Set low heat, cook until sugar melted, taste and adjust sugar to desired flavor.  Cook the syrup until caramelized over medium heat. Off heat, add pulp and honey. Mix well.
12. Remove the cake from the inner bowl of rice cooker to a plate. Brush the syrup on the top of the cake.
13. Garnish with remaining zest and pieces of lime.
14. Serve warm or chilled.


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