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奇亞籽芒果奶凍 Chia seed mango panna cotta

潮流興食奇亞籽(Chia seed),細細粒的奇亞籽(Chia seed )營養非常豐富..它多生長在南美洲。是植物鼠尾草的種籽。其實那些會發脹的種籽不是一種新發明的食材。很久前,在印度,亞洲國家已普遍。它跟羅勒籽(Basil seed 從羅勒植物取得的), 一樣擁有豐富抗氧化物(預防脂質氧化),高膳食纖維,低卡路里,有礦物質,維生素,胺基酸。並能促進腸胃功能,延緩糖分代謝,清除體內廢物,脂質,膽固醇。有清道夫之稱。

台灣人早早留意羅勒籽,並多加研究和種植..有没有印象在台灣吃過呢?他們會形容為青蛙卵。兩者均被視為世界健康食物,Super food。

食法很簡單,可直接食用或把1-2茶匙,加入半杯至1杯水,讓它吸水發脹,一般需要最少15分鐘, 半小時較佳。可加入喜歡的飲料中,蛋糕,麵包,甚至奶茶咖啡因本身没有任何味道


奇亞籽混合芒果做出奶凍(chia seed mango panna cotta):

1. 把奇亞籽直接混合忌廉一起煮,方便易做但奶凍部分因沒有過篩不夠滑。

General direction :
1. Mix chia seed with mango and cream to cook. It is an easy way but the panna cotta is not smooth enough. 
2. Bring mango and cream to a boil, sieve then mix with chia seed, panna cotta will be smooth. Pls see the following method.

Around 7 servings:

wipp cr 400ml
菲律賓芒果打蓉後有800ml,細小約8個,大3個 (剩餘半個作裝飾)
糖 2-3湯匙
薄荷葉 少許(可不落)或用 vanilla paste 1湯匙取代薄荷葉
魚膠片或魚膠粉 7-9g

Ingredients :
400ml whipping cream
800ml mango puree (around 8 pcs for small, 3 pcs for big, reserve a big unblended mango for garnish)
2-3 tbsp cane sugar
A bit mint leaf or replace by 1 tbsp vanilla paste
2 tbsp Chia seed
7-9 g gelatin pcs or gelatin powder

Soak the Chia seed with around half bowl of tepid water, stir to separate from sticking together

最细火煮熱忌廉, 加2-3湯匙糖(逐少加,試味到適當甜度),加入薄荷葉一起直至糖溶解

Low heat,  pour cream into a saucepan and gradually add in 2-3 tbsp sugar, then mint leaf, mix well until sugar is dissolved


At the same time, soak those gelatin in cold water, then bring it into the cream, stir until melted. Discard the mint leaf


Add mango puree after gelatin melted, mix well


Remove from heat, pour the mango cream through a sieve. Discard the mango fibre on the sieve at last


Put the soaked Chia seed together. Mix well, pour into bowl or jars, refrigerate for 8 hour or overnight


When serve, garnish with extra mango pcs and mint leaf


Soaked Chia seed can be put on top when serve. It looks less pretty than mixing together with mango cr but the panna cotta is supremely smooth


  1. 奶凍很多元化,當然原味,即只用cream做的最好味。街有售北海道牛乳做的,亦有朱古力奶凍,好立克奶凍,益力多,綠茶等等及很適合聖誕節吃的->“紅石榴奶凍食譜”
  2. 食譜若不加芒果及薄荷。改用vanilla paste便可製成原味了。
  3. 無論用什麼材料,奶凍的原素是把奶類制品凝固,可隨意加入喜歡的味道或生果。
  4. 不同種類的添加物有不同情度的稀薄,魚膠的份量需調整,例如朱古力凝固後較杰,魚膠少一些,原味用cream,只需中度份量魚膠,相反只用鮮奶果汁要多些。纖維高多果肉的生果,如芒果便可減少
  5. 以一般cream的份量計,1000ml約用6-8g 魚膠片。
  6. 大量製作時,全部用cream需是好味,但太heavy, 可轉一點奶。
  7. 奶凍過篩可隔除未溶解的魚膠,效果更滑。

1. There are many flavor of panna cotta, like original that use cream or milk. Fruit puree which are mango, raspberry and Pomegranate panna cotta recipe. Yakult, green tea or chocolate. 
2. The above ingredients are the recipe for original panna cotta if not adding mango or mint.
3. The amount of gelatin to add depends on the viscosity of the main ingredients, like fruit puree and cream are more thick while juice is less thick. In general, 1000ml of cream require 6-8g of gelatin that depends on how thick of the panna cotta you would like to.
4. If the amount of panna cotta to be prepared is more, replace 1/3 part of cream to milk as it will be heavy in taste.
5. Bring the mango cream through a sieve, the panna cotta will be smooth in texture.


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