A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


自家製黃金沙薑/沙薑蓉 Homemade sand ginger crisp/ sand ginger paste


左:泰國沙薑 / 右:印尼沙薑
Lt: from Thailand / Rt: from Indonesia


新鮮沙薑磨容 約1.5 碗 ,大約10-13粒大(把部分厚皮刮去,其餘連皮磨蓉)
鹽 2/3 湯匙
沙薑粉 1-2湯匙 (試味後跟個人口味加減)
油 1.5碗

For sand ginger paste:  off heat when it looks light brown and moderate dry

1. 新鮮沙薑去除較厚皮,磨幼。
2. 準備可油炸鍋,注入油,當油溫8成熱(插筷子見一般多泡泡),便放入沙薑。
3. 保持中火,攪拌並鬆開沙薑(會黏著)
4. 逐少加入鹽和沙薑粉,試味再調整喜歡的鹹度,濃度。
5. 若煮成沙薑蓉: 當沙薑炸至黃,同時減少水氣。便可熄火。
6. 若炸至黃香沙薑(像黃金蒜),則繼續。此時沙薑互相黏著,需用筷子分開,稍乾便可熄火 (後期沙薑較搶火易燶,當發現非常金黃才熄火,油的餘溫使沙薑蓉變燶)。
7. 把沙薑蓉儲存於已消毒玻璃瓶裡。冷藏最多2星期。

Ingredients (1 bowl of sand ginger paste):
1.5 bowl of Crushed sand ginger, around 10-13 pcs in big size (remove some of the hard skin)
2/3 tbsp sea salt
1-2 tbsp dried sand ginger powder
1.5 bowl of cooking oil

1. Crush sand ginger with skin.
2. Turn on heat, add oil, cook until moderate hot (when inserting a chopstick in the oil, moderate bubbles can be seen around), add the fresh sand ginger in. Stir constantly.
3. Season with salt and dried sand ginger powder to taste. Adjust to desired flavour.
4. For sand ginger paste: If the sand ginger turns moderate dry and light browned. Off heat and spoon it into a glass jar.
5. For sand ginger crisp: Continue to fry until slightly golden brown and comparatively dry and crisp. Remove from heat immediately (as the sand ginger crisp will be overcooked with the remaining heat).
6. Store the sand ginger paste with oil covered in a glass jar. Refrigerate when cool. Consume up to 2 weeks. It can be added as a marinade, seasoning, and serve with your food.

沙薑蓉蒸雞絲粟米雲耳 Steamed chicken, corn and wood ear mushrooms with homemade sand ginger paste


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