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陳皮豉油豬肉飯 Vermicular iron pot recipe: Braised pork belly with aged peel in soya sauce

家常碟頭飯很容易做, 只需簡單材料和調味便能製作出佳餚, 而且好拌飯。餸菜之特色是原汁原味, 即品嚐豬腩本身的油香; 靚醬油本身的黄豆味;陳年果皮的甘香。愈簡單,愈少調味的菜式,原材料的選擇很重要。


食譜使用日本Vermicular 鑄鐵煲(V煲, 22cm pearl grey), 煲採用科技設計,稱為Triple thermo technology。當中包括"熱傳導Heat conduction","遠赤外線加熱Radiant Heat" 和"Steam convection蒸氣對流"。三樣功能加起,不用添加額外調味且迫出食物本身味道與水份。鎖水好,原汁原味。可適用於明火,電磁爐及焗爐。

五花腩連皮 約1斤
陳皮 1片
薑 少許
香葉 2片
八角 1粒
乾辣椒 1隻
老抽 3-4湯匙
生抽 1湯匙
冰糖, 鹽,白胡椒粉各少許
紹興酒 3湯匙

600g pork belly with skin
1 pc of aged peel (soaked)
2 pcs bay leaf
1 star anise
1 dried chili
3-4 tbsp dark soy sauce
1 tbsp soy sauce
A bit rock sugar,  salt and ground white pepper
3 tbsp Chinese rice wine

清洗豬腩肉, 用薑,酒出水, 冲水至皮收縮, 印乾
Wash pork belly,  blanch it with ginger and wine. Then rinse under tap water, dry with kitchen paper

Heat oil, saute herbs and spices

煎香豬腩各邊至金黄色,特別豬皮, 下少許鹽,白胡椒粉和3湯匙紹興酒
Fry each side of the belly until golden brown, especially  on the skin. Season with a bit salt and white pepper, then drizzle with Chinese rice wine

加2-2.5碗熱水,冰糖1小粒及陳皮,煲到陳皮腍的時壓爛 或一開始切碎 (其他煲,水份要加多一些)
Add 2-2.5 bowls of hot water and aged peel. Crush the peel when soft during cooking or finely chopped at the beginning   (for other pot, add a little bit more water to cook)

滾起,較到最細火,期間要反轉豬肉, 炆約1.5至2小時或直至豬肉夠腍
After boiling,turn the heat down to low heat, flip the pork once during cooking. Braise the pork around 1.5 to 2 hours or until it becomes tender

把豬肉切薄片放在飯上, 同時把煲中浮起豬油棄掉, 試味後調校汁的鹹度,最後下幾滴麻油
Thinly slice the pork belly on rice, skim the fat on top, adjust the  taste, add a bit sesame oil at last

把豉油醬汁淋上豬肉面, 即成
Pour sauce on the pork, serve hot
無論鹵豬肉或豉油豬肉都是百吃不厭。全條肉煮,內裡很juicy。加上V煲鎖水,燜煮水份不用太多。簡單, 非常好吃。


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