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大地魚處理, 大地魚湯雲吞 Preparation of dried flounder, dried flounder soup wonton

方魚乾即大地魚乾, 英文是flounder..即那些左口魚, 撻沙, 比目魚,  扁魚類。它雖然是下價魚, 肉質不幼滑...曬乾後作為大地魚乾,卻是一項飲食文化。詳情可按入大地魚報章介紹。大地魚可説是由細吃到大。皆因媽媽是雲呑高手。把大地魚加入雲吞, 再用魚骨煮湯,超美味還有把大地魚做肉丸, 煮個粉絲蝦米大地魚肉丸湯。那大地魚是什麼味? 在那裡買及怎樣加入食材中呢?

市面上有很多大地魚粉。如香港仔,鯉魚門,長洲的都很貴, 很方便使用但不及原條烘的香和脆。味道咸香中帶鮮。靚的大地魚大約過一百元一斤, 一條約$20。大條, 沒有腥味, 乾身, 香和帶㸃金黃。拿上手濕濕地, 味道腥腥地就不宜選購了。一般在雜貨店或魚民賣乾貨的地方有售。

How to prepare a dried flounder?

放入焗爐, 以170, 180度焗約10幾分鐘或有香味。甚至微微燶。大地魚很搶火, 易燶。焗完放涼一下就變脆了。把皮和骨跟肉分離。魚骨可煮湯; 魚肉磨成細作調味。一般加入肉餅,魚肉可大塊一點。

Bake the dried flounder at 170 to 180 degree celsius for around 10 mins or until aromatic and golden brown. Watch out for overcook and burn. Then, remove the fish from heat to cool. Separate the meat from head and bone. Reserve those bone for soup making. Crush the fish meat by a mortar and pestle.

Cantonese wonton( with dried flounder) recipe:

材料: 鮮蝦(去殼去腸), 梅頭豬肉少肥剁碎, 一條大地魚(烘脆及磨細, 魚骨入袋), 白胡椒粉,薑汁,少許糖 , 油, 鹽,生抽,半隻雞蛋(可省減) 廣東雲吞皮

做法: 除雲吞皮外, 所有材料混合。放入雪櫃半天。

Ingredients: shrimp (peeled and deveined), minced pork with little bit fat, a pc of dried flouder(baked and crushed, reserve fish bone for soup ), A bit of salt, sugar, ground white pepper,  light soya sauce, ginger essence, cooking oil, 1/2egg (optional) and cantonese wonton wrapper

Method: mix all ingredients except wonton wrapper, refrigerate mixture for half day

Stuff the wonton wrapper with the pork mixture. Stick together with the remaining egg.

同時放大地魚骨入袋, 加水煮半小時出味, 加鹽調味
Place all fish bone including the head and skin into a cotton muslin bag. Boil for 1/2hr. Then season with sea salt

把雲呑煮熟, 淋上大地魚湯及少許生抽。大地魚的味道很鮮味。
Put the wontons in a bowl after cooked. Then pour hit soup inside with a drop of light soya sauce. Serve hot with vegetables.

P.S..朋友即時提供雲吞麵舖的湯底秘方。在加入大地魚煮湯的同時, 加㸃羅漢果。

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Rita, for sharing this. I am a wonton noodle addict, always wondering how I can duplicate those that have been sampled at 麥奀記、麥文記、池記… Your blog will get me started in my experimentation.
