A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


港式咖哩陳皮魚蛋 Curry fish balls with aged peel (HK style)

你喜歡大大粒彈牙的炸魚蛋? 還是細細粒, 較實正的陳皮魚蛋呢?? 後者較少地方有售, 在銅鑼灣新記車仔麵可吃到。那個秘製咖哩魚蛋汁.. 正呀! 當中見過老闆在電視介紹煮法, 有八角, 蠔油, 桂皮, 咖哩粉..還有一些醬。

陳皮魚蛋原來遠在天邊, 近在眼前。多謝朋友介紹了一間老字號, 擁三十年歷史的大埔嘉禾粉麵廠。不單魚蛋, 粉麵也很出色...

秘製醬汁不過是自己喜歡的味道, 加㸃花生醬提升香氣, 也帶㸃沙爹。味道好類似新記..開party時整過都很受歡迎。

材料: 陳皮魚蛋 1斤
          薑, 蔥, 乾蔥頭, 蒜頭, 八角, 香葉各適量

冠益或淘大咖哩醬 3湯匙
荃灣悅和甜麵醬 1.5湯匙
柱候醬 1.5湯匙
印度咖哩粉 1湯匙
花生醬 1湯匙 (可省減)
蠔油 1湯匙
水 約4碗(食飯碗)

Ingredients: aged peel fish balls
A bit of ginger, spring onion, star anise, bay leaf, shallots, and garlic

3 tbsp of Curry paste ( from Amoy food or Koon Yick WK food). All can be bought from supermarket
1.5 tbsp of Sweetened sauce ( from Tsuen Wan Yuet Woo shop)
1.5 tbsp of Chu Hou paste
1 tbsp Indian curry powder
Halved or more brown slap sugar
1 tbsp of Peanut butter (optional)
1 tbsp oyster sauce
Around 4 bowls of Water

Prepare fish balls

魚蛋洗浄出水, 再冲洗去除雪味。爆薑, 略炒魚旦, 取出
Blanch the fishballs after wash, rinse under tap water again to remove oil. Heat some oil, fry ginger then fish balls. Take out and reserve

熱油, 爆香乾蔥頭, 蒜及咖哩粉至香
Heat oil, saute shallots and garlic then curry powder for a few mins or until fragrant

加入柱候醬, 甜醬, 咖哩醬一起炒香, 加入八角2粒, 香葉 3片
Continue to saute the sweetened sauce, curry paste and Chu Hou paste, 2 star anise and 3pc of bay leaves then

加水滾起, 放入片糖, 試味。如果偏鹹, 片糖可加多一㸃。之後加入一湯匙花生醬
Add water, bring to boil, add brown slap sugar.If too salty, add extra sugar. Finally add 1 tablespoon of peanut butter

試味, 調較自己喜歡的味道。想辣一些, 再加少許咖哩醬或是其他。調好味道, 放入蔥和魚旦煮至脹起
Taste and enhance the flavor like adding more curry paste to make it more spicy. Otherwise, add somemore of others. Bring the fishballs back and a bunch of spring onion to further boil for 5 mins

用粟粉水打芡, 熄火
Prepare half tablespoon of corn starch with water to thicken the sauce, off heat

醬汁味濃, 陳皮魚旦不及大粒魚旦的魚味。輪質感和風味..很喜歡!
Yummy yummy, the sauce is thick. Traditional aged peel fishballs are good in texture with special taste!

味道很個人, 上述醬汁份量是基本。想那種味突出一些, 可逐少加入喜歡的醬汁份量。

The above quantity of different types of sauce are basic sauce ingredients. Add or reduce upon own’s taste.


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