A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


越式香茅醬做法, 香茅醬食譜 Homemade Vietnamese lemongrass paste, Lemongrass paste recipes

在我做的醬中, 這香茅醬是最受歡迎的。香口百搭, 拌飯, 拌麵, 拌燒烤肉及醃漬均可。存放雪櫃可保存個幾月。最重要是攪拌及烹煮過的香茅少一㸃渣滓, 很芳香!

香茅宜選新鮮, 莖部呈淡綠色, 硬浄富香氣。不宜購買莖球部色沉發黑, 軟身或太乾, 沒有香氣的。使用時把外層撕走, 拍扁或切幼便可。材料多購自元朗有機農埸, 早上收割, 當天即做。可以想像多新鮮。另一個購買新鮮食材的地㸃是九龍城。賣泰國貨那條街, 中間位置有間店專賣菜。記住, 下午3時左右才去可等當天飛機貨到。


香茅醬材料(約200ml): 香茅8支切幼,乾蔥頭6粒,蒜頭4粒,鮮薑2件(手指大小) ,乾辣椒6隻,鹽,糖少許,魚露1湯匙,油半碗

Lemongrass paste (around 200ml): 8 stalks lemongrass, 6 pc shallots, 4 cloves garlic, 2 thumb sized fresh ginger, 6pc dry chili, a bit salt and sugar, 1tablespoon fish sauce, half bowl cooking oil

Bring all lemongrass paste ingredients into a blender(except supar, salt and fish sauce), blend until mildly smooth

Stir fry lemongrass paste in medium heat, add sugar and 1 tea spoon salt

轉細火, 慢慢炒至微黄及没有水氣(白色蒸氣)及有香氣,加入魚露1湯匙,試味後可再加鹽,醬有點鹹為佳
Low heat, fry the paste until little bit dry and fragrant, add 1 tablespoon fish sauce then, add extra salt after taste, the paste would be mildly salty at last

Cool down and keep in fridge with an airtight container

香茅醬做好可作醃肉, 拌飯, 拌麵或炒餸, 以下是香茅醬食譜作參考:
Here below are the lemongrass paste recipes, try using it to eat with noodle and rice, cook or marinade

1. 越式香茅雞肶飯(<—按入食譜)
Vietnamese lemongrass chicken thighs recipe

2. 越式香茅豬扒飯 (<—按入食譜)
Vietnamese lemongrass pork chops rice

Pan fried prawn with homemade lemongrass paste

Grilled pork belly with homemade lemongrass

5. 越式香茅雞翼(<—按入食譜)
Vietnamese chicken wings with homemade lemongrass paste

1. 儲存香茅醬的樽必須煲煮消毒。
2. 香茅醬食材份量可隨個人口味增多減少。但香茅比例應比其他多。

1. Boil a glass container or air tight container before keeping the paste.
2. Adjust amount of paste ingredients for individual’s flavor but lemongrass should be more than others.


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