A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


白汁蘑菇雞柳飯 Chicken fillet and mushrooms in white sauce

懶人簡易菜, 卻非常美味啊! 白肉配白汁是理想組合。香草方面, 選用Italian seasoning, Oregano, Parsley, 甚至Thyme都很夾。但食譜用的卻是Dill(蒔蘿), 氣味很獨特, 清清地不會太霸道。很適合配海鮮和味道淡淡的雞柳。

澳洲無荷爾蒙雞柳 約10條 斜切出幼條(用1茶匙鹽, 少許白胡椒粉, 少許粟粉, 1湯匙初榨橄欖油略醃)
薯仔 1個切細粒
白蘑菇, 啡蘑菇各一盒 切厚片
蒔蘿(Dill) 1湯匙
黑椒碎, 鹽 少量
牛油 1件
忌廉(wipp cream) 200ml
水 半碗
麵粉 3湯匙

熱pan, 放入牛油, 麵粉, 攪拌至無粒粒粉

倒入忌廉和半碗水, 之後薯仔粒, 蘑菇, 灑上鹽。蓋上, 較細火煮5分鐘或薯仔夠腍

開蓋, 轉中大火, 放入雞柳, 黑椒碎, 少許鹽和一湯匙Dill, 攪勻, 煮數分鐘。熄火。白汁稍為有一㸃杰身

上碟再曬一㸃黑椒碎, 拌飯拌意粉, 麵包勻可。使用忌廉比鮮奶做白汁相對香濃, 很美味啊!

Ingredients(4 servings):
Aus Chicken fillet 10 pc (sliced), marinate with ground white pepper and 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon corn starch, A tablespoon extra virgin olive oil)
1 potato (cut into small cubes)
White and brown button mushrooms 1 pack each(sliced)
1 tablespoon Dill herbs
Some salt and pepper
A knob of butter
200ml wipp cream
1/2 bowl of water
3 tablespoons of flour

1. Low heat, add butter and flour. Mix well without lumps.
2. Add wipp cream and half bowl of water, then potato cubes and sliced mushrooms. Season with a bit salt. Cover and simmer for 5 mins.
3. Turn to medium heat, add chicken fillet, salt, pepper and Dill. Cook for a few mins more.
4. The sauce should be a bit thick and rich.
5. Season with extra pepper, serve hot.


  1. 如果唔用忌廉,有無其他可代替?米奶可以嗎?因為仔仔牛奶敏感,唔知點可以整到白汁。。。

  2. Thx SikSik,可以呀, 一開始加麵粉時落多一湯匙。因米奶相對稀一㸃。由於不含奶制品。出來效果跟白汁都有少少不同味。我試過用豆漿, 效果也不錯
