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香芋薑汁雞粒有味電飯煲焗飯 Yam and chicken rice by rice cooker

近中秋的香芋特別粉和綿, 加上秋涼了, 少吃涼拌, 多吃蒸, 焗的飯。有味飯是由細吃到大..有味即是那些用乾貨, 臘味, 如土魷, 冬菇, 蝦乾, 蝦米, 瑤柱煮出的味道。濃味中帶鹹香和鮮甜。
媽媽教落, 要提升有味飯必須用薑, 酒爆炒乾貨才去焗。多一㸃薑酒也無防。最後加入煮過的甜豉油。簡直perfect match.

無論單用乾貨或添加其他配菜, 做法也是一樣, 先爆後焗。。但要注意食材是吸水還是出水。如之前的牛肝菌鮮菇電飯煲焗飯(可按入), 菇出水, 所以煲飯水要比平時少。相反, 今次的香芋有味料不出水但會乾。因此, 油要加多一些。那樣, 電飯煲焗飯便得以變通多選擇了。

材料: 米(2.5杯), 蝦乾 (浸軟), 冬菇 (浸軟, 切片, 用糖油醃後蒸15分鐘), 1/4個芋頭 (切粒), 薑蓉加薑汁 (1-2湯匙), 雞肶, 雞腎 (切粒, 用薑酒, 生抽, 糖, 少許麻油醃), 油 3湯匙, 五香粉, 紹興酒 1瓶蓋

甜豉油: 老抽對生抽 約3:1, 蔥 1扎, 冰糖或黄糖, 水約1.5 

Ingredients: rice (2.5 rice cups), dried shrimp (soak for 10 mins), dried mushroom ( soak to soft, cut into pieces and marinate with sugar and oil, steam for 15mins), 1/4 yam ( dice into small cubes), ginger paste (1-2 tablespoon), chicken thigh and kidney ( cut into cubes, marinate with Chinese wine, light soya sauce, sugar and a little bit sesame oil), 3 tablespoon of cooking oil, five spices, 1 bottle cap of Chinese wine

Sweet soya sauce: dark soya sauce to light soy sauce = 3:1, a bunch of spring onion, rock sugar or brown sugar and 1.5 bowls of water

1. 電飯煲加入米, 正常煲飯水份。
2. 熱2湯匙油煎薑片, 加入香芋炒至金黄(若乾再加㸃油), 灑少許鹽, 少許五香粉後取出。
3. 熱油爆香薑渣(薑汁留用), 炒雞和腎。
4. 細火,把冬菇, 蝦乾, 香芋加入炒勻, 加少許鹽。
5. 電飯煲按製, 開始煲飯

1. Wash rice and bring into the rice cooker.
2. Low heat, heat 2 tablespoon of oil and fry the ginger, then the yam. Sprinkle with some salt and five spices.
3. Heat oil to fry ginger paste ( squeeze ginger essence to reserve), fry chicken and kidney then.
4. Bring mushroom and dried shrimp together, continue to fry. Sprinkle with some salt.
5. Start boiling rice

6. 轉中火, 灑上一瓶蓋紹興酒, 立即蓋上。
7. 打開蓋, 注入薑汁2湯匙 (可加減), 熄火炒勻。
8. 待飯開始收水, 把所有食材放上飯面。
9. 繼續煲飯至完成。10分鐘後才打開飯煲。

6. Turn to medium heat, sprinkle 1 bottle cap of Chinese wine, cover immediately.
7. Open the lid, pour 2 tablespoon of ginger essence ( self adjust the amount), off heat and mix well.
8. Bring all ingredients into the rice cooker whenever no more bubbling.
9. Continue to cook until finished. Open the cooker 10 mins later.

把豉油材料放入煲, 加入一大粒冰糖或1湯匙黄糖, 煲約15-20分鐘。必須最小火(易燶)
Bring all sweet soya sauce ingredients into a saucepan, add a medium size of rock sugar or 1 tbs of brown sugar, simmer around 15-20 mins

約10分鐘後, 水份稍為減少, 試味並調較味道。若太鹹加多少許糖, 相反加多少許生抽。調較到自己的味道。繼續細火煮多10-15分鐘

Around 10 mins cooking or until slightly thick, taste and add somemore sugar if salty or add little bit more light soya sauce. Further simmer for 10 -15 mins

把部分甜豉油淋上有味餸上, 攪勻。其餘豉油放上枱作添加
Pour part of the sweet soya sauce onto the food, mix well. Serve with the remaining soya sauce.

可添加一㸃甜豉油拌飯。加入香芋, 超飽!

1. 個別生抽老抽鹹甜也有分別。最理想先較3:1 老抽對生抽再試味調較。由1粒冰糖再逐少加上。
2. 甜豉油適合煲仔飯。生炒糯米飯也適合但不宜太杰身。
3. 可隨意加入臘腸, 瑤柱但鹽要減少。
4. 原個芋頭好易爛。最好買已開邊。

1. There is different saltiness and taste of individual soya sauce. Try to adjust the amount of it on top of the ratio 3:1, dark soya sauce to light soya sauce, as well as sugar to balance the flavour.
2. Sweet soya sauce can be fit to any kind of rice dishes, including rice in pot and fried glutinous rice.
3. Decrease salt adding if there is preserved sausage or dried scallop.
4. Yam is more easily to get rotten. Buy the one already halved.





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