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簡易芝麻蔥油餅 Roti prata with scallion and white sesame

上海蔥油餅是很多人的至愛。一大餅切開幾角或是較精緻脆口小圓型的都十分吸引。自家做好易, 麵糰不用發酵。要快, 要懶要好味, 可參考食譜使用印度急凍薄餅(Roti prata)。 相同的元素, 變化很多。可按入-> 芝士乳酪印度餡餅

蔥油餅要好吃, 蔥的選擇要留意。一些蔥頭帶紅, 呈圓珠形, 細細棵的紅蔥(珠蔥)特別香特別好吃。要蔥香又保持嫩綠, 不宜煮。可直接放入印度薄餅煎。或先淋上少許熟油。蔥的香氣散發出來。

1. 星加坡第一家印度薄片 5片 (質素好, 不油膩)
2. 蔥 5-7束, 洗淨用凍熟水過一過, 切粒
3. 海鹽 1-2茶匙
4. 熟油約 1.5湯匙
5. 白芝麻(原味, 不經烘焙) 約半碗

1. 蔥切粒加1-2茶匙鹽, 倒入熱油混合。
2. 從冰箱取出(不需解凍), 預熱煎pan, 放上薄餅(不需落油), 灑上芝用鑊剷輕輕壓實
3. 當一邊不沾便反轉, 大約30秒。重複灑芝麻。
4. 取出, 剪開一邊像荷包。塞入香蔥。
5. 放回pan中, 每邊多煎幾十秒或至薄餅香脆。
6. 切開熱食。

1. 芝麻不需預先炒香。因煎的過程, 芝麻搶火易燶。
2. 每片薄餅加多一些蔥會更好吃。
3. 第一家印度薄餅可在超市購買。

5 pc of frozen roti prata
A bunch of scallion, washed and rinsed with tepid water. Finely chopped.
1-2 tsp Sea salt
1.5 tbsp Hot oil
Around half bowl of raw white sesame seeds

1. Mix salt with scallion. Pour hot oil then.
2. Preheat a skillet, bring a pc of roti prata on it (no need to defrost). Sprinkle and press the sesame on, flip to the other side after fry for around 30 sec. Repeat adding sesame.
3. Remove roti prata from the skillet, cut and open to make a pocket.
4. Stuff with scallion.
5. Bring back and continue to fry each side for a while or until lightly brown.
6. Cut into wedges, serve hot.

1. No need to toast the sesame seeds before as it will be overcooked after fry.
2. It will be tasted good if stuff with more scallion.
3. For the roti prata that can be bought in supermarket.
4. For details about roti prata frying, please click ->Cheese and Yoghurt stuffed roti prata recipe.


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