A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


釀雞胸自家製香草濶麵配波菜芝士松子汁 Stuffed chicken breast with homemade herb pasta in spinach and pine nuts sauce

波菜,煙肉和芝士是一個絕配。把它們釀入雞胸,先細火煎至7成熟再grill 10分鐘。雞胸仍很嫩。意大利麵用Dill香草搓成,跟用波菜,芝士,牛油,白酒加入烘香松子做的醬汁。精彩,味道nutty,很豐富。對怕吃用羅勒做的青醬(pesto)的朋友來說。不防試試這個波菜汁。

澳洲無荷爾蒙雞胸 2件
火腿煙肉 (Canadian bacon) 4片
BB 波菜 (baby spinach)小半包
片裝芝士 4片
辣椒粉 (可省減)

高筋粉 220g
蛋 2隻
新鮮Dill香草或乾 適量
初榨橄欖油 2湯匙

BB波菜 大半包
片裝芝士 1片
白酒 少半碗
松子 2湯匙 加額外
牛油 1小粒
鹽 少許


1. 鹽加1.5湯匙熱水混合至溶解,備用。
2. 新鮮Dill香草去除莖,切幼。
3. 其餘全部材料混合,加入鹽水,搓揉至順滑。
4. 用展棍略盅,再切開2份。讓麵糰休息15分鐘。之後每份展平至喜歡厚度。再切1cm濶。(若用手動麵條機,壓至6度)
5. 放上麵架吹1-2小時。
6. 當煮汁時才開始煮麵。熱水加少許鹽和油,煮數分鐘,隔水備用。

B) 釀雞卷做法:

1. 雞胸洗淨印乾,切成蝴蝶型並保持一邊袋口。
2. 用少許鹽,paprika,  橄欖油略醃。每卷放入2片芝士,煙肉及已略搓揉的波菜。先塞入袋口那邊再用另一幅蓋上。
3. 以綿繩固定雞卷。
4. 混合粟粉,少許paprika,cayenne pepper , 每件雞卷薄薄印上。
5. 預熱焗爐較烤,230度。先把雞卷煎至7成熟,灑少許鹽,糖,黑椒碎。
6. 之後放入預熱焗爐,烤約10分鐘。
7. 雞卷取出,隔出漏出芝士汁備用。

C) 波菜芝士汁做法:

1. 細火,白鑊烘香松子,取出備用。
2. 細火,用少許橄欖油略炒波菜,注入白酒,一勺煮過意粉水及一片芝士煮溶。
3. 最後加入一小粒牛油令汁變滑。
4. 取出用攪拌器或手提攪拌器打爛,再加入已烘香松子,打至幼滑。
5. 放回pan中,注入備用的雞卷芝士汁。細火煮勻,試味後加適量鹽調味。
6. 把濶麵撈入汁,同時雞卷切厚件。
7. 上碟,灑少許Dill,額外松子及橄欖油。趁熱食。

1. 食譜涉及三種煮法,可隨意拆開作出不同變化。如波菜汁配任何意大利麵,燴飯。雞卷可轉雞柳,海鮮。麵條可跟其他香草混合,如Basil, Thyme等。雞卷餡料可以其他芝士,蔬菜代替。
2. 食譜用Mozarella cheese, 使用任何芝士均可。

Ingredients of stuffed Chicken breast roll:
2 pc Australian free range,  hormone free chicken breast or others
4 pcs Canadian bacon or bacon ham
4 pc sliced cheese
1/3 pack baby spinach
Salt, sugar, black pepper,  extra virgin olive oil,  paprika,  cornstarch
cayenne pepper (optional)
Cooking string

Ingredients of herb pasta:
220g Bread flour
2 eggs
A bit fresh dill or dried dill (chopped)
Salt, water
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Ingredients of spinach and cheese sauce:
2/3 pack baby spinach
1 pc sliced cheese
1/3 bowl white wine
2 tbsp pine nuts plus extra
Salt, extra virgin olive oil, cooked pasta soup
A small knob of butter

A) Directions of homemade herb pasta:
1. Mix a little bit salt with 1.5 tbsp hot water until dissolved, set aside then.
2. Remove stem from Dill, coarsely chopped.
3. Mix ingredients, gradually add in salty water, knead until smooth.
4. Hit the dough with a rolling pin for 5 times, allow to rest for 15 mins.  Then divide the dough into two. Flour the countertop,  roll out the dough to rectangular shape and flatten to desired thickness. Then cut it into 1cm strips. For manual pasta machine, process, and until the dough is rolled to desired thickness, around setting 6.
5. Flour the strips and allow rest and dry on a rack for 1 to 2 hours.
6. When the time to cook the sauce, start to boil the pasta with salt and olive oil for a few mins. Drain and set aside.

B) Directions of stuffed chicken breast:
1. Wash and dry the chicken breast.  Butterfly the breast and to maintain a pocket.
2. Spread olive oil, salt and paprika on, marinate for a while.
3. Gently rub the spinach to make it soft. Stuff with cheese, bacon and spinach into the pocket. Then, cover and roll up the breast. Secure with string then.
4. Mix a bit cornstarch with cayenne pepper and paprika. Coat each rollup with flour mixture.
5. Heat a skillet with oil, bring the chicken breast in and sear each side to browned. Fry until moderate done.
6. Transfer to the preheated oven, set grill, 230 degrees Celsius. Grill for around 10 mins.
7. Take out from the oven, drain and reserve the chicken cheece sauce.

C) Directions of spinach and cheese sauce:
1. Toss pine nuts in a skillet until aroma.
2. Add olive oil, stir fry the baby spinch. Add white wine, a ladle of cooked pasta soup and a pc of cheese. Simmer until cheese is melted.
3.  Finally, add a small knob of butter.
4. Bring (3) into a bowl, blend until well combined. Then add the pine nuts together, continue to process until smooth.
5. Bring it back to the skillet, combine with the reserved chicken and cheese sauce. Cook for a min over low heat. Season with a bit salt or black pepper.
6. Put pasta together with the sauce. At the same time,  thickly slice the chicken roll.
7. Put pasta and stuffed chicken pcs on plate, sprinkle with extra toasted pine nuts and dill, drizzle with a bit extra virgin olive oil.  Serve hot.

1. There are 3 recipes in this dishes, Just change any herbs to make the pasta, like basil, Thyme. Replace the bacon, spinch and cheese to other ingredients, like pepper and nuts or other meat. The sauce can use on other dishes, like meatballs and serve with rice.
2. Mozzarella cheese is used in the recipe, just change to your desired cheese. 


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