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港式薯仔素咖哩角 Vegetarian curry potato puff , Hong Kong style



薯仔 1個,切細粒
小甘筍 半條
洋蔥 半個
白蘑菇 1盒
咖哩粉 2茶匙 (按入->自家製印度咖哩粉做法

新鮮Thyme 少許

1. 小甘筍, 洋蔥, 白蘑菇, 洗淨印乾。用攪拌機打至幼細(仍要保持一㸃口感)
2. 落油, 炒香(1)。加鹽, 黑椒粉, 新鮮Thyme,oregano, 少少糖。炒至乾身。取出備用。
3. 落油, 薯仔粒, 加2茶匙咖哩粉及少許鹽炒香, 加少許水煮至薯仔腍(要蓋上), 放回 (2)材料。細火煮多5分鐘,同時收乾水,放涼。

1. 春卷皮分三分。
2. 把餡料放在一角,反起摺成三角型。
3. 到最後,微微拉扯,覆蓋,在邊位塗上蛋液黏合。
4. 燒熱油至八成熱(即筷子插入有中度泡泡),便可逐少炸。吸油,上碟。

Ingredients :
1 potato, cut into small cubes
1/2 small sized carrot
1/2 onion
1 box white button mushroom
Spring roll wrapper, square
2 tsp Indian curry powder (pls click -> Homemade Indian powder recipe)
Black pepper
Fresh Thyme
Dried Oregano

Preparation of the filling:
1. Wash and dry those carrot, mushrooms and onion. Put them in a food processor, finely grinded.
2. Heat oil in a skillet,  fry (1) until fragrant. Season with a bit salt, fresh ground black pepper, sugar, oregano and Thyme. Continue to fry until less moisture. Take out and set aside.
3. Heat oil, put the potato cubes in the pan. Add in curry powder and a little bit salt. Fry until aromatic. Then add a bit water, cover, cook until potatoes are tender. Open lid,  set high heat, reduce water until the filling becomes paste form. Take out and cool.

Directions of the curry puff:
1. Divide a square spring roll wrapper into 3 rectangular shape.
2. Put a bit of the filling at the corner of the wrapper.
3. Fold the wrapper in triangular shape. Continue folding until the end. Spread a little bit eggwash on the edge.  Slightly stretch and stick it on.
4. Heat up oil to moderate hot. Put the curry puff in and deep fry by batches.
5. Lay them on a kitchen paper.
6. Serve hot with Ketchup or chili paste.


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