A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


慢煮薑啤陳醋骨 Slow cook pork ribs in ginger beer and aged sorghum vinegar

為自家菜式慢煮薑啤陳醋骨而感到驕傲。。哈哈哈! 家人給了高度評價。。自己也非常滿意。把薑啤和醋放在一起有㸃薑醋感覺..又有些糖醋排骨feel..配合焗爐慢煮。。一字排很腍肉很香。不需睇火也不用加太多水炆。使其原汁原味。。肥油也一一迫出來。很易用勺子取出。

薑啤, 是孩童年代的飮品。對90後可能陌生。我女從未聽過飲過。媽爸説, 跟從前比..味道欠了很多。我對薑啤的印像是一些帶草青的薑味又有少許刺鼻。像ginger essential oil(香薫油)一般。腦海裡即時想到跟排骨會幾混和。。

材料: 一字排帶少許肥先出水, 薑啤一罐, 大件薑約3,4塊略拍, 香葉, 白胡椒粉, 陳醋約3湯匙, 鹽, 黄糖約2湯匙, 薑米3湯匙(薑切幼粒)

Ingredients: pork ribs with little bit fat (blanch), a can of ginger beer, 3 big chunks of ginger(slightly press), bay leaves, ground white pepper, 3 tablespoons of aged sorghum vinegar, 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, 3 tablespoons of ginger( finely chop)

熱油, 煎香薑片, 香葉, 之後排骨。並灑上胡椒粉, 鹽, 黄糖
Heat oil, saute ginger, bay leaves then pork ribs. Sprinkle with some white pepper, salt and brown sugar

注入一罐薑啤, 加少許鹽, 預熱焗爐180度, 之後調較90度2小時( 煲仔要上蓋)
Pour in 1 can of ginger beer and season with little  bit salt. Preheat oven at 180 degree celcious then adjust to 90 degree. Place the iron pot into the oven, bake for 2 hours with lid on

2小時後取出, 把浮面肥油去除。加一湯匙陳醋以中火煮5分鐘, 取出排骨
Take out the pot from the oven after 2 hours, remove the fat on top. Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to boil for 5 mins. Remove the pork ribs from the pot to reserve

把薑米放入煲中並加入其餘陳醋及黄糖約2湯匙, 開大火收汁並使汁糖化變得杰身及令身, 熄火, 放回排骨混合
Add chopped ginger, the remaining vinegar and 2 tablespoons of brown sugar. Turn to high heat, cook the sauce until thick, glossy and caramelized. Off heat and put back the pork ribs to mix

很美味和特別的味道, 有㸃薑醋和糖醋骨感覺。當然也渗着薑啤香氣啦! 值得推介。

1. 我用的是vermicular 鑄鐵鍋, 比較鎖水和儲熱。其他鐵煲,瓦煲, 可放焗爐的玻璃煲, 甚至不鏽鋼煲。時間需延長多半小時。
2. 陳醋在八珍買。也可用 Balamic vinegar取替。

1. I use Vermicular cast iron pot, other than that, like stainless steel, ceramics or glass(oven use). Add up half hour in baking.
2. Aged sorghum vinegar was bought from Pak Chun International ltd. It can be substituted by Balsamic vinegar.
