A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


醉鮑魚 Abalone in Chinese pickle wine sauce, Tsao lu

除了用很多香料, 香草加魚露青檸做汁浸的菜式外。酒浸菜式也是很方便和美味的小吃。無論是暖食或凍食。當中醉雞翼, 醉雞, 醉豬脚大家也經常吃。改用鮑魚更可作為宴客的頭盆了。所使用醃漬的是“糟鹵”。根據網上解釋, 糟鹵是用科學方法從陳年洒糟中提取香氣濃郁的糟汁。配入辛香調味汁精制而成的香糟鹵。突出陳酿酒糟的香氣。鲜咸口味適中。但我郤認為偏咸。糖份需要調節。

今次選用2款鮑魚。分別是鮮鮑和南非罐頭包。當然後者先勝。肉厚, 糖心, size較大。可是平價的鮮鮑卻好評如潮。。很有鮮味。兩者浸數小時已入味。

材料: 糟鹵一支, 大量薑片, 蒜片, 鮑魚, 辣椒乾3隻, 八角(可加花椒), 紹興酒少許, 冰糖2大粒

1. 鮮鮑刷乾浄。滾水蒸5分鐘, 去殼冲洗, 之後過冷熟水, 用紙印乾。罐頭鮑只需冲水後浸冷熟水, 印乾。
2. 所有薑蒜辣椒乾需用熟水冲洗。
3. 把一支糟鹵注入密封盒, 冰糖及其他材料也加入, 攪匀冰糖, 加2瓶蓋紹興酒。之後把鮑魚浸入糟鹵內。放入雪櫃2-3小時便可。

Ingredients: Chinese pickle wine sauce, sliced ginger 10pc, sliced garlic 5 cloves, live abalone or can abalone. Dry chili 3pc, star anise 3pc, Chinese cooking wine, rock sugar 2 big pc.

1. Clean and blush live abalone. Steam 5mins in boiling water. Deshell and clean again. Rinse with tepid water and dry with kitchen paper. If using can abalone, just rinse with tepid water and dry.
2. Rinse all spices and herbs with tepid water.
3. Add a bottle of pickle sauce (Tsao Lu) in an airtight container. Then, rock sugar and other ingredients plus 2-3 bottle caps of Chinese cooking wine. Stir the rock sugar. Finally add the abalone and keep in frige for around 2-3hours, serve then.


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