A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


荷香滑雞糯米飯 Sticky rice and chicken wrapped in lotus leaf

似糯米雞嗎? 把糯米飯底做好了, 配上任何材料均可, 如膏蟹, 蒜蓉蝦, 排骨等等。雖然先炒糯米會多一㸃情序但糯米效果, 口感及軟滑度均理想。糯米既能保持一粒粒, 而且不會太糯太黏。口感有㸃近乎米飯的, 不滯口。此外, 部份食材, 如蝦所蒸的時間比糯米飯短。若掌握不夠, 糯米會半生熟。
炒糯米的時間也因應放上面的食材而有所改變。例如蒸蝦, 糯米炒8, 9成熟; 若是排骨, 7成便可了。
更多煮糯米飯的tips可click入 “生炒糯米飯 ”。

鮮雞切件, 黒白木耳, 金針, 蟲夏花先浸 (或其他材料, 如冬菇, 蝦乾, 臘腸)。瑤柱6粒(浸軟連水蒸20分鐘, 隔去湯備用作炒飯)
用生抽, 老抽, 薑, 酒, 糖, 生粉, 油醃最少一小時, 蒸前落鹽

Chicken, cut into pieces. White and black wood ear, Cordyceps Militaris, daylily, all soak before use ( or mushroom, preserved sausage, dried shrimp), 6 pc of dried scallop(soak and steam with soaking water for 20mins, drain and reserve for the rice.
Marinate the above with light and dark soya sauce, ginger, Chinese wine, corn starch and oil for at least 1 hour, add salt before steam

3飯杯泰國白糯米, 浸水半小時至45分鐘。冲洗澱粉質(若想粒粒分明似飯粒, 冲洗耐一些; 相反, 想黏度高一點, 略冲便可), 隔水待用1-2小時,用少許油撈勻

Soak 3 rice cups of Thai white glutinous rice for 30 to 45 mins, then rinse out the starch water(for rice texture, rinse it thoroughly, for sticky texture, rinse it superficially), drain for 1-2hours, then mix with little bit cooking oil

用易潔鍋或鐵鍋, 如上圖黒鼎鐵pan, 下米前要落多少少油, 2-3湯匙,落片薑, 炒米, 讓米沾上油, 灑少許鹽

Either using non stick pan or cast iron, carbon steel, like the above. Add some more oil at the beginning. Add a pc of ginger and rice then. Coat the rice with oil. Sprinkle with some salt

注入一半瑤柱湯, 炒匀, 上蓋數分鐘至糯米吸收所有湯, 重覆1次加入瑤柱湯程序

Add half bowl of dried scallop soup, stir fry, cover for 2-3mins until the soup is absorbed, repeat once

待2次湯吸收後, 加些油, 放入瑤柱絲, 炒勻。此時試味, 若中間仍有一㸃硬, 一㸃白色約7成熟, 沒有白色但有嚼口, 約8成。便熄火了

Until the soup is absorbed, sprinkle with some more oil, then add steamed scallop, stir fry. If the rice is al dente with white dot at the mid of the rice, it is about 70% doneness, if it looks transparent but still chewing al dente, it is about 80% doneness. Off heat

乾荷葉(在药材舖買)先浸水弄軟, 把2張荷葉放入蒸籠, 掃上油, 加入糯米飯

Soak 2 pc of dried lotus leaves (bought from Chinese herbal shop) in water to soften, then place them in a steamer, brush with some oil, bring the sticky rice in

Put the chicken onto the rice

用牙籤封口, 蒸15分鐘
Fix the end of the leaf with toothpicks, steam 15mins

灑上蔥花, 甜豉油, 糯米保持一粒粒

Sprinkle with some spring onion and serve with sweet soya sauce, texture of the sticky rice is just right

糯米口感好個人, 要米糯和黏, 只需略仲浸過水的糯米, 相反, 冲洗較多糯米中的澱粉質。糯米會爽身一㸃。
The more starch water was being rinsed from the sticky rice, the less stickiness of it after fry or cook.


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