A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


電飯煲焗香蔥四薑雞 Braised chicken with spring onion and ginger family in ricecooker

聽其名已知當中的成份及能感受到的香氣。薑科類是每個家庭常備的食材。數數手指,用齊了嗎? 他們有鮮薑,黃薑(又分春, 秋, 紫薑黄), 沙薑,子薑,南薑,竹薑等。所有都是根部, 在泥土中生長。能發熱,助血液循環, 消炎止痛,提升免疫功能及袪濕抗寒。每一種薑有其獨特氣味及功效。很有治療作用。

一般來說, 薑帶熱, 火旺燥底人仕不太適宜。有些中醫報導説, 中午後不宜吃薑, 免太火旺。薑的療效在於薑中的成分。“薑辣素(Gingerol) 和薑烯酚(Shogaol)”。 生薑的薑辣素比薑烯酚多出很多。相反, 加熱後乾燥了的薑又有較少薑辣素, 較多薑烯酚。

前者能止痛, 止嘔, 促進胆汁分泌, 助發熱加速血夜循環, 提升免疫, 殺箘; 後者籍促進體內脂肪及醣類燃燒而發熱。有瘦身功效。此外有助抗氧化和抗炎。提升免疫系統, 助血管擴張。

在味道與香氣而然。喜歡薑的朋友可嘗試這食譜, 芳香, 令人吃得舒服。運用電飯煲煮, 不需加水, 温度不過高, 保持雞嫩及原汁原味。

1. 鮮雞 1隻
2. 蔥 約三束 
3. 鮮薑 2大件 (每件2隻手指大小)
4. 印尼沙薑 約13粒(保留2粒做㸃醬, 另加沙薑粉 1-2湯匙
5. 黄薑粉 1湯匙
6. 南薑 1段 (2隻手指大小, 比鮮薑和沙薑少一㸃)
7. 乾蔥頭 5粒

1. 1 chicken
2. 3 bunches of spring onion
3. 2 chunks of fresh ginger (2 fingers size each)
4. 13 pc of Indonesian sand ginger plus 1-2 tablespoons of sand ginger powder
5. 1 tablespoon tumeric
6. 1 chunk of galangal (2 fingers size, less than fresh ginger and sand ginger)
7. 5 pc of shallots

把乾蔥頭切幼, 1件鮮薑, 南薑, 沙薑, 連皮磨蓉。混合1湯匙沙薑粉, 黄薑粉和1湯匙鹽
Finely chop the shallots, crush fresh ginger, galangal, sand ginger with skin. Mix 1 tablespoon sand ginger powder, tumeric and 1tablespoon salt

雞洗淨印乾水, 先用少許鹽抹雞內裡。把薑蓉混合物刷滿全身及雞腔內, 特別放一些在雞皮下。最後塞入2片薑和大量蔥入雞腔內

Dry the chicken after wash, rub some salt in the chicken cavity. Then put the ginger mixture all over the outside and inside of the chicken as well as under the skin. Filling the cavity with more spring onion and 2 pcs of fresh ginger

先放蔥, 再把雞放上, 按正常煮飯模式
Put some spring onion into the inner bowl of ricecooker, place the chicken on top

差不多15分鐘, 反轉, 完成跳制後, 用筷子插入肶位, 若沒有血水便熟了, 可取出。若不夠熟,可留在飯煲多一會(keep warm制式)

Flip the chicken after 15 mins cooking time. When the cycle finished, prick into the chicken thigh by a chopstick to check the doneness. If no ooze of bloody fluid, take it out from the inner bowl. Otherwise, keep inside the cooker for further 10 mins in “keep warm mode”

1. 把剩餘兩粒沙薑磨蓉
2. 熱3湯匙油, 細火略炒沙薑蓉
3. 當有香氣便可熄火, 倒入小碟中, 加一湯匙沙薑粉和少許鹽攪勻

Preparation of dip sauce:
1. Crush the remaining fresh sand ginger
2. Heat 3 tablespoons of oil in low heat, saute the above
3. When there is fragrant, off heat. Pour the mixture in a plate, season with 1 tablespoon sand ginger powder and some salt, mix well

把雞取出切件, 隔走飯煲中的油, 把汁淋上, 跟㸃醬趁熱吃。很暖和滋補的感覺, 全屋充滿香氣

Take out the chicken from the ricecooker, cut into pieces. Skim the fat from the sauce. Pour sauce on chicken to serve hot with the dip sauce. It is aromatic and tasty

1. 個別飯煲及雞大小不同。若不夠熟可再按制或置於keep warm制式中多一會。
2. 新鮮沙薑不夠濃味, 加入沙薑粉有幫助。
3. 想薑的香氣再濃一㸃, 可先炒薑蓉混合物才抹在雞上。
4. 細細粒的印尼種沙薑比大粒中國種的香。
5. 不用飯煲煮, 可用煲仔煮但要用細火。

1. There are differences of each ricecooker or size of chicken. Continue one more cycle or keep the chicken in “keep warm mode“ further if it is not done. 
2. Adding sand ginger powder to fresh sand ginger to enhance the fragrant.
3. Fry the crushed ginger mixture before massaging on the chicken would enable the fragrant and richness of the sauce.
4. Indonesian sand ginger(smaller size) is more fragrant than the one grown in China (bigger size).
5. It can be cooked with other cookwares. Keep low heat to cook.


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