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韓式泡菜豬扒生菜包 Korean Kimchi lettuce wraps with pork chop

簡單易做的韓式生菜包。配加拿大豬鞍切出的豬扒條, 新鮮有機生菜心。加Kimchi, 蒜片, 韓式辣椒醬..美味指素爆燈。

醃料中使用薑蓉, 在烤蘋果果皮西班牙豬肋骨(可按入)已介紹過。含天然酵素食材能有鬆肉功效。但醃漬時間長卻造成肉質變霉, 也不適用於海鮮。運用這一㸃, 正適合較堅韌又易鞋口的肉類。

韓國泡菜 1盒
有機生菜, 選中心位置
韓式辣椒醬 4湯匙
蜜糖 1湯匙

豬條醃料 :
老抽 1.5茶匙
獨子蒜 2粒或普通蒜頭 4粒 
薑 1手指公大小 
廣東米酒或韓國料理酒 1瓶蓋
黄糖 1茶匙
鹽 少許
麻油 1湯匙
粟粉 1.5茶匙
韓式辣椒醬 1湯匙



熱油, 炒至金黄(注意搶火易燶), 期間灑少許鹽。 熄火, 加入一湯匙蜜糖

把肉和kimchi放上生菜加少許韓式辣醬拌食。喜歡可加入生蔥生蒜片。使用米酒味道更香濃, 好吃到停不到口呢!

3 pc Canadian pork chops, rinse, dry and cut into strips
1 pack Korean kimchi
Organic lettuce, pick the inner part
4 tablespoons Korean chili paste for serving
1 tbsp honey

1.5 tsp dark soy sauce
A thumb sized ginger
4 cloves of garlic
1 bottle cap Chinese rice wine or Korean cooking wine
1 tsp brown sugar
Some more ground white pepper
A bit salt
1 tablespoon sesame oil
9. 1.5 teaspoons corn starch
10. 1 tablespoon Korean chili paste

1. Crush ginger and garlic.
2. Mix the pork strips with no.1 and other marinade.
3. Refrigerate for 3 hours or less than 1/2 day.
4. Bring it to room temperature.
5. Heat oil and fry the meat until golder brown (watch out for char)
6. Season with some salt. Off heat, add 1 tablespoon honey then.
7. To serve, spoon a portion of the meat and kimchi, a bit chili paste into a lettuce leaf. Wrap the meat around. Add fresh garlic slice or scallion if you like.
8. It is really tasty with crunchy kimchi and lettuce. Enjoy! 


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