A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


芒果薄荷越南米紙卷配辣椒薑醬 Vietnamese mango and mint rice paper rolls with sweet and ginger chili sauce

時令芒果加新鮮有機種植的薄荷葉已經是很好的配搭。添上這支美國辣椒薑醬。令米紙卷味道豐富, 更要清新。So refreshing!!

越南米紙, Bánh tráng分大細, 厚薄。當中也分做沙律米紙卷或炸春卷。總的來說都是用米, 水, 鹽磨成漿, 蒸過再曬乾而成。也有用米加木薯或只用木薯而造的。不論炸或沙律, 兩者可互相使用。唯一是加入大蝦, 軟殼蟹時, 使用大張米紙較方便。

時令芒果, 如澳洲芒或菲律賓芒 1-2個切長條
新鮮有機薄荷葉, 冲洗後過熟水 適量
檸檬汁 少許
辣椒薑醬 (購自源生坊, 少辣的) 5湯匙
沙律生菜, 牛油果 可加可不加

很多食譜教浸水, 若用掃把凍滾水掃上至可以捲起而不爛便可(不要過軟)。既容易掌握軟硬情度, 又防止一開始過份濕水, 造成米紙捲起後破裂。此外, 吸收食材醬汁及水份後, 米紙會更軟, 若開始時不過濕, 做起後口感便剛好了。

辣椒薑醬加少許檸檬汁。薄荷葉放上米紙, 芒果及適量醬, 捲起。可加入沙律菜牛油果等。

没有添加的辣椒薑醬, 配春卷, 米紙卷, 蝦餅蟹餅都很夾呀。推介!

全部捲起後, 當米紙吸收芒果和醬汁的水份, 軟硬便剛好了。這個食材配搭非常夾啊!朋友個個都喜歡。

Vietnamese rice paper wrapper
1-2 pc  Australian or Philippine mango, sliced
Organic mint leaf
Few drops of lemon juice.
Sweet and ginger chili sauce (from the Health aims organic functional food specialty shop)
Salad vegetables or avocado (optional)

1. Mix 5 tablespoons sweet ginger chili sauce with a few drops of lemon juice.
2.Brush the rice paper wrapper with tepid water until slightly soft without cracks when roll.
3. Place mint leaf, then mango strip as well as lettuce and avocado on the rice paper wrapper, bring a teaspoon of chili ginger sauce on it,  fold and roll.
4. Repeat the remaining ingredients.
5. Serve with extra sauce.
6. It is so refreshing.


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