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Kimchi雞肉芝士釀雞翼 Stuffed chicken wings with Kimchi and cheese

一個很適合開party的小食。帶一點Fusion. 用兩款韓食必用的材料,Kimchi和芝士。一手拎起啖啖咬。很吸引。用雞全翼的雞搥部分打爛作餡料。很方便呢!

雞全翼 6隻
Kimchi 半碗
Mozzarella cheese 1/3 碗 或其他
鹽,糖, 白胡椒粉 各少許
粟粉 2湯匙

1. 雞全翼,分開雞搥。雞翼部分去骨,不要弄穿。雞搥可切開起骨

2. 雞搥肉打爛(不需攪至免治);Kimchi打爛 (想咬到有kimchi就不完全攪爛)。之後混合芝士,粟粉,落少許鹽,糖和白胡椒粉

3. 把餡料釀入雞翼,用牙籤封口。不宜大脹,因加熱時會爆口

4. 先煎兩邊至金黄,之後放入預熱焗爐200度,12-15分鐘。要燶一些,最後數分鐘,把焗盆升高近發熱線
5. 配韓式辣椒醬趁熱食,內裡濕濕地。若想有多一些口感。一開始Kimchi和雞肉不打爛,只需切幼

Ingredients :
6 pcs whole chicken wings
1/2 bowl Kimchi
1/3 bowl Mozzarella cheese or others
Ground white pepper, salt and sugar
2 tbsp corn starch

1. Rinse and dry the wings. Cut out those drum sticks.
2. Remove bone from wings carefully to make a pocket. Then coarsely cut out the meat from the drum sticks.
3. Blend those meat from the drumsticks and kimchi in a blender or food processor.
4. Mix the above with 2 tbsp cornstarch, a little bit sugar, salt and ground white pepper.
5. Stuff the wings with moderate amount of the filling.  Otherwise it will be broken when heat. Seal the pocket with toothpick.
6. Fry both side until lightly brown,  then transfer to preheated oven, bake 12 to 15 mins at 200 degrees Celsius.
7. Serve hot with Korean chili paste. If you would like to eat crunchy kimchi, just chop it into pieces with chicken meat at the beginning instead of blending with a food processor.


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