A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


黃薑檸檬汁蔬菜麵 Veggie noodles with turmeric and lemon juice

西式食譜中,把蔬菜刨成長條型做麵既低“卡”,健康又飽肚。如意大利青瓜麵(zoodles),甘筍麵(carrot noodles), 青瓜麵(cucumber noodles)。一般不經烹煮,也有略炒。對於年紀大,不喜歡西式或生吃的朋友,可選擇這食譜。當中滲入1/3白麵,2/3蔬菜麵,以減少主糧,同時增加蔬菜。相比淨蔬菜麵更易入口及接受,並以中西式烹煮手法。更使用天然有益的黃薑粉及檸檬汁作主要調味。味道不但清新,也相當豐富有層次。



青瓜 1條
意大利青瓜/翠玉瓜 1條 (或以半條甘筍代替)
甘筍絲 少許
白麵條 1/3蔬菜麵份量
菜脯絲 少許 (潮州菜脯切片,浸熱水10分鐘,清洗後切幼條)
乾葱頭 3粒 (切幼)
三色椒 各半(切幼條)
大紅辣椒 1隻 切幼條(泰國產)
黑白芝麻 少許(白鑊烘香)
麻油 少許

黃薑粉 1茶匙 (蔬菜麵增加,同時也增加)
檸檬汁 半個(蔬菜麵增加,檸檬汁也增加)
鹽 半茶匙
椰糖 半茶匙

1. 把食材切幼。青瓜及意大利青瓜用刨皮刮切成長幼條或專用小工具(由頂至底)。直至見到中心有核即停。
2. 白麵條先煮至7成熟。隔水後混合少許麻油備用。

3. 下少許油,爆香乾葱頭,紅辣,菜脯至有香氣。之後炒甘筍絲。
4. 下蔬菜麵。一開始軟身,便下白麵條,加入黃薑粉,鹽,糖炒勻。最後加檸檬汁,試味後可再調節檸檬汁。
5. 熄火,加入燈籠椒絲,利用餘溫炒勻。下少許黑椒,上碟,灑芝麻拌食。

1 cucumber 
1 Zucchini (or carrot)
A little bit carrot (thinly sliced)
White noodles , 1/3 of the veggie noodles
A little bit preserved radish (soaked and thinly sliced)
3 cloves of shallot (finely chopped)
Red, green and yellow bell pepper, 1/2 each (thinly sliced)
1 long red chili (sliced)
A little bit black and white sesame seeds (toasted)
Sesame oil

1 tsp Turmeric powder (increase for large portion of  noodles)
1/2 lemon juice (increase for more noodles)
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar
Black pepper

1. Slice cucumber and zucchini from top to the bottom with a peeler or spiralizer. Stop slicing on seeds.
2. Boil the white noodles until moderate done. Drain and mix with a bit sesame oil. Set aside.
3. Add oil, saute the chili, shallots and preserved raddish until fragrant. Then carrot slices. 
4. Add cucumber and zucchini noodles. Fry the noodles until mildly soft. Then, put white noodles together. Season with turmeric, sugar and salt. Drizzle with lemon juice at last. 
5. Off heat, add bell pepper slices, fry them with remaining heat. Season with black pepper, serve with sesame seeds.


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