A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


滑溜糯米糍 Creamy mochi


說回糯米糍這傳統小吃,確是容易買到, 亦有不同的口感,有些偏實,有些多水少粉不夠企身,甚至過甜。我想,芳姐所做的份量剛好,以600g糯米粉對1L奶對1碗糖...軟硬,甜度適中,而且很滑。。如果有多雙手幫你,就開始做自己的糯米糍啦。


材料: 李祥和糯米粉300g, 鮮奶500ml, 糖半碗,椰絲,紅豆蓉,花生醬,綠茶粉,油少許,紙模。
Ingredients: Lee Cheung Woo glutinous flour 300g, milk 500ml, sugar half bowl, shredded coconut (fine), red bean paste, peanut paste, green tea powder, oil and paper mould

原味糯米糍做法 Mochi(original flavor):

做法: (左上)粉先篩->加鮮奶和糖攪勻,特別是粉粒->待粉漿幼滑->(右上)加少許油(約1湯匙)->把一半粉漿過篩落一隻淺碟
Method: (upper Lt) sieve flour-> mix with sugar and milk until smooth without lump->(upper Rt)add a bit oil(1tbs)-> sieve half of the batter into a flat plate

steam it around 30 to 45mins or until no more flour stick on a chopstick after pricking inside the batter->remove the water drops on top of it

put on a pair of disposable gloves-> rub with a bit oil-> get 2 coin-size rice mochi->spoon some peanut paste after the rice mochi is being flatted

cover the peanut paste by sticking those rice mochi around

放上椰絲, 把糯米糍每邊黏滿椰絲
place it on shredded coconut and roll

put it on paper mould

綠茶糯米糍做法Green tea mochi recipe:

Add 1 to 1.5 table spoon of good quality green tea powder into the remaining half batter-> mix and stir until smooth

same as the above, some of the green tea powder are not dissolved-> just continue to steam x 30-45mins

flat the warm rice mochi>  red bean paste in

place and roll the mochi on the green tea powder instead, remove excess powder

it is so creamy and yummy....

1. 要趁粉糰仍暖,甚至微微熱做,糯米才會容易控制及封口。It is better to make mochi when the rice glutinous is warm for easier to control.
2. 把碟放入鑊蒸時,再一次攪拌粉漿,讓其均勻。
Stir the batter on the plate again before steam.
3. 手套搽油以防止粉糰黏着手套。Rubbing oil on the gloves is to prevent sticking of the rice glutinous.
4. 可用任何液體取代部分鮮奶,如水或果汁。Replace part of the milk to water or juice.


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