A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


缽仔蒸龍躉蝦球及北海道葛粉條 Steamed giant grouper with Hokkaido arrowroot powder sticks

龍躉皮厚富膠質和油脂但菜式主角卻是北海道葛粉條。一種用葛粉和薯粉製做的食物。可冷食也可當麵條。葛粉又稱葛根粉, 是葛屬植物根部提出的澱粉。多用於製作和菓子或甜品。有清熱解毒, 高纖, 養顏和滋補功效。滑滑的, 韌韌的。本身淡味, 像綠豆粉皮質感。不防試試!

跟包裝指示, 葛粉條用熱水煮10分鐘再放入冰水便可配其他食材, 調味作冷盆或隔水後放糖水, 放湯

1. 龍躉切片
2. 葛粉條 1包
3. 紫天椒 2隻
4. 蔥 (蔥白分開) 切幼
5. 蒜頭 2粒, 切幼

1. Giant grouper fish fillet
2. A pack of arrowroot powder sticks (from Japanese supermarket)
3. 2 chili
4. Spring onion, finely chopped (separate the white part)
5. 2 cloves garlic (crushed)

由於要再蒸, 葛粉條只用熱水浸軟約10分鐘, 隔水, 放入缽仔中, 加鹽和油

Soak the arrowroot powder sticks in hot water for around 10 mins, drain and put into a tatin dish or plate, season with salt and oil

魚洗浄切件印乾, 用生抽, 糖, 少許紹興酒, 2粒切幼蒜頭, 少許白胡椒粉, 2隻紫天椒(切幼可提升辣味),醃1-2小時

Dry after rinse the fish fillet, marinate with 2 cloves garlic(crushed), sugar, Chinese wine, light soya sauce, ground white pepper, 2 chili(slice for spicy flavor) and oil for 1-2 hours

魚放回室温, 多加一些鹽, 油, 放在葛粉條上, 之後蔥白。滾水放入缽仔, 中大火蒸8-10分鐘。熄火, 灑上生抽和其餘蔥粒, 焗住2分鐘

Bring the fish to room temperature, sprinkle with some salt and oil, put fish on the arrowroot, add spring onion (the white part), steam in boiling water for 8-10mins. Off heat, season with light soya sauce, add the remaining spring onion. Cover for 2 mins more

上枱再灑少許生抽, 龍躉皮很黏口。葛粉條吸收全部精華才是主角!

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