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冬蓉海鮮羹 Seafood in winter melon puree soup

用豐富材料跟冬瓜煲成奶白色的濃湯再打成蓉是這道菜的精髓。沒有任何添加, 不需調味。充滿水分和糖分的冬瓜蓉口感綿綿, 清新可口。配上鮮甜的海鮮, 絶對是宴客菜式之選。

湯底材料: 小元貝約20粒, 切出的冬瓜囊和皮, 雞脚和雞殼 (先出水), 金華火腿 (3片厚, 先浸熱水10分鐘), 冬瓜2寸厚(1圈), 薑片 1片

其他配菜: 冬瓜一圈份量, 切片约1cm厚, 新鮮海蝦, 大扇貝

Ingredients: dried scallop, small size (around 20 numbers), peel and seed of water melon, chicken feet and chicken bone, jinhua ham (soak into hot water for 10 mins then rinse), 2 inches thick of water melon 

Other serving ingredients: winter melon, slice in 1cm thick, live prawn and scallop

冬瓜切大件, 其餘湯底料置於魚袋裡, 注入一煲水煲約2小時或煲至濃郁, 剩下4-5碗湯

Cut the water melon into big chunks, put all other soup ingredients in a muslin bag. Boil together for 2 hours or until 4 bowls of soup left

半小時後, 隔走雞油
Skim the chicken fat on top

The broth is rich and clear

熄火後取出湯袋, 壓出精華到湯中, 用hand mixer把冬瓜打爛及湯至幼滑
Off heat, take out the muslin bag with food, squeeze the food essence into the broth. Blend until smooth

最後把剰下的冬瓜片蒸8-10分鐘, 蝦和扇貝(去殼)蒸3-4分鐘。放上冬蓉羹上。湯味濃郁帶清新感覺, 非常非常美味。值得推介!
At last, steam the remaining pieces of water melon for 8-10 mins. For shrimp and scallop, just 3-4 mins. Place them on the water melen puree soup and serve. The soup is rich and smooth with refreshing flavour. Highly recommend!


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