A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens

Showing posts with label Sundried tomatoes recipes自家製風乾蕃茄食譜. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sundried tomatoes recipes自家製風乾蕃茄食譜. Show all posts


自家製油漬黑蕃茄乾蒜香意大利麵 Pasta with garlic and homemade sundried black tomatoes in olive oil

黑蕃茄本身已經很好吃,特別當造的,整體很甜很多汁。透過風乾發酵再油浸,味道更豐富沉厚。有關做法請按入->自家製油漬黑蕃茄。在超市最常見到的Sundried tomatoes 或Sundried tomatoes in olive oil多來自美國,意大利。亦有很多牌子,價錢整體不便宜。全乾或浸油的,味道均有分別。