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Showing posts with label Dessert. Show all posts


松子芝麻養生糖 Homemade candy with pine nuts and sesame

愛吃天然低糖的手工糖嗎?使用健脾益肺的麥芽膏代替蔗糖和果糖。作黏合其他食材及提供甜味。麥芽膏也含怡糖但其糖份是蔗糖的一半, 吃得安心呢!

自家製手工糖可選擇優質食材。愈原味(raw), 不經精煉和烹煮, 愈具營養價值。糖果中選用黑龍江野生松子。松子非常有營養, 含豐富不胞和脂肪酸, 有利心血管及降膽固醇, 礦物質, 維生素E。在中醫角度能滋補五藏。益心利脾胃。延年養生的食物。每日攝取份量約一湯匙為理想。

有機黑白芝麻含豐富礦物質, 脂肪, 蛋白質, 膳食纖維, 維生素B群。能滋補腎臟, 補血, 烏髮。對體虚血弱, 補氣有幫助。

最後使用野生荔枝蜜, 它含活性酵素, 糖份, 蛋白質和礦物質。荔枝蜜有利心氣呢! 這材料組合加起來已是成功的一大半了。

•台灣古法麥芽膏 1.5湯匙
•野生茘枝蜜 半湯匙
•松子 100ml
•有機黑, 白芝麻 各30ml

材料(約15粒 薑汁味):
•野生荔枝蜜 半湯匙
•松子 100ml
•黑白芝麻 各30ml
• 鮮榨薑汁 2-3湯匙

Ingredients for 15 pc (original flavor):
• 1.5 tablespoon Taiwanese traditional made maltose
• 0.5 tablespoon raw litchi honey
• 100ml  Raw pine nuts
• Organic black and white sesame 30ml each
• Rice paper and candy wrappers

Ingredients for 15pc (with ginger flavor):
• 2.5 tablespoon Taiwanese traditional made maltose
• 0.5 tablespoon raw litchi honey
• 100ml raw pine nuts
• Organic black and white sesame 30ml each
• 2-3 tablespoon of fresh ginger essence
• Rice paper and different pattern of candy wrappers

A) 原味做法 original flavor

Step 1

白鑊烘香黒白芝麻, 保持細火約2分鐘
Low heat, saute black and white sesame in a dry pan for around 2 mins

Step 2:

把麥芽, 蜂蜜放入碗內, 坐熱水, 攪拌至麥芽軟身
Bring maltose and honey in a bowl. Place it into another big bowl with hot water. Stir the honey mixture to melt

Step 3:

繼續坐熱水, 放入芝麻及松子快速攪拌。離開熱水, 再攪拌
Bring the pine nuts and sesame into the honey mixture.  Mix those nuts on hot water to well combine. Take it out and continue to stir

Step 4:
Prepare a square baking tin or other containers, place a piece of cling film which is bigger than the tin

Step 5:

把混合物放上保鮮紙, 用匙羹壓實(儘量迫在一邊), 按壓至1.5-2cm厚度。拉緊保鮮紙封實。放入雪櫃最少一小時
Put all the nuts mixture onto the cling film, spread and press it down to one side with a spoon until firmly combined, around 1.5 to 2cm thick. Stretch the cling film and tighly wrap the mixture. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour

Step 6:

雪櫃取出, 打長切一半, 再切出約 3x1.5cm 長。先用糯米紙包, 再包上顏色糖紙。放回雪櫃
Take out from the fridge, halve the candy, then cut it into ~3x1.5cm long. Wrap it with rice paper, then colorful candy wrapper at last

B) 薑汁味做法 Ginger flavor

Step 1 和 step 2 同上
Step 1 and 2 are the same as the above

Step 3:

鮮薑磨蓉, 榨出薑汁約2-3湯匙, 放入microwave, 高温40秒, 濃縮薑汁至1湯匙。或放入煲仔, 大火煮剩1湯匙
Crush a chunk of fresh ginger, squeeze to collect 2-3 tablespoon of ginger essence. Microwave for 40 sec in high heat until 1 spoonful left. Or thicken the ginger essence by boiling with a saucepan in high heat until 1 spoonful left

Mix together with the nuts and honey mixture

Step 4 至6同上
Step 4 to 6 are the same as the above.

很喜歡這款手工糖, 感覺健康有嚼口, 而且芝麻和松子很香。原味相對實正一㸃, 雪後很易切。加了薑汁較為軟身, 也容易散。所以要壓實和用多一㸃麥芽黏着。兩款各有各鍾意, 自己較喜歡原味, 特別雪過的質感。

These are super yummy and healthy handmade candies with nutty flavor. The original one is rather firm than the one adding ginger essence. The former is easy to cut while the latter is rather loose that requires firmly press to combine on step 5. It is chewy with fragrant of sesame and honey.

Candy wrappers and rice paper could be bought at baking grocery store


檸檬凝乳撻Lemon curd tart

22:05 Posted by Rita Shum , No comments

Lemon curd tart和lemon tart都是我的最愛。前者是凍tart, 後者可暖食亦可凍食。這個tart的主角是檸檬...要整得好吃,檸檬的質素是要考究的。。我個人選取台灣的有機檸檬,品種是綠色的。很香,檸檬的味道很有層次,不是死實實的酸。另外真正的sunkist 檸檬都好香而且不太酸..可是不易買得到。常見到的不是真正的新奇士。